Help with Essay/Dissertation Writing

Imagine you’re sitting at home or in the library, desperately trying to write an essay or dissertation, you have a submission date to meet. The blank page is staring at you, and you feel that there is nobody you can easily call, nobody to help. How wrong can you be! Study Coach is right here,
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Nature v Nurture

First Mother: ‘My child is bright, she was born bright. You could see it from the minute she was born’. Second Mother: ‘You’re kidding yourself. No child is born bright, when you push them out in this world, they don’t know anything, they’ve got nothing in their brains, their blank; don’t get me wrong, they
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Learn Interpersonal Skills for Work/Business and Influence People – Psychology

Ask Study Coach takes a look at soft skills for finding a job or application in business. If you are trying to find employment or to attract more customers to your business, or to attract a certain someone, then you should appreciate the importance of acquiring good IPS (Interpersonal Skills). Broadly speaking IPS is categorised
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Online Tutoring Education, Academic Support for Adult Learners, College/University

Congratulations on securing a place at University or College for the next academic year; this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life and you might need some guidance, Academic Support to help you to realise your potential and achieve your goals. Study Coach provides a range of blogs to support students on
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Writing Dissertation and Research Methods – Types of Interviews

Writing a Research Dissertation Proposal, writing a research project or related assignment will require students to engage with research methods. Ask Study Coach Blog is here to provide knowledge on the subject, the hope is that it will prove useful to students and others. Study Coach Blog is populated with a number of blogs on
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Conformity (Social Psychology)

Definition – according to Crutchfield: ‘Conformity is ‘….yielding to group pressures’. A more developed definition of conformity is given by Zimbardo and Leippe ‘….a change in belief or behaviour in response to real or imagined group pressure when there is no direct request to comply with the group nor any reason to justify the behaviour
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Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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