Academic Essay & Dissertation Writing Support Service for Uni Students | Study Coach

Study Coach is online to support University students, College students and Lifelong Learners with their education. University and College students working on essays or a dissertation can consult with Study Coach. Students can choose to request feedback with their draft essays or get guidance with their dissertation. Students seeking help from Study Coach are usually studying nursing, social work, physiotherapy, public health, housing, law, criminology, youth justice, social care, teaching. Study Coach is usually able to cover most social science and arts academic subjects, so feel free to enquire.

Buy Coach a Coffee

University and College students may simply need to get some questions answered in order to draft their assignments. If this is the case students can choose to send in their questions to Study Coach and make a small payment for the service via ‘Buy Coach a Coffee’.  You can find details on Study Coach’s website.  

Nursing Education

 Nursing students will need to successfully complete essays, presentations, literature reviews, physical assessments and a dissertation in order to become a qualified nurse. Study Coach, is here to help nursing students and other university/college students to excel and raise assignment grades.

Essay Writing

Nursing students will need to carry out nursing physical assessments along with writing essays, taking exams and delivering presentations.  Universities offering a nursing degree will usually make use of Case Studies for assessment. In preparation for a nursing degree prospective students should consider reading Roper and Tierney model & guidelines given by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). 

University Nursing Students 

When carrying out an assessment, nursing students could then make use of Roper and Tierney model to explain the nurse’s decision making process. When drafting a physical assessment it is important for nursing students to remember to consider the patient’s privacy and confidentiality, the use of a pseudonym (false name) is recommended in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Professional Conduct guidance. 


The idea of doing research, whether it is a literature review (critiquing secondary sources) or carrying out a primary research can create stress for students. What is research, the usefulness of research and what is evidence based practice (EBP) are concepts that nursing students will need to understand? The Dissertation is a major piece of work and many students are likely to find a dissertation to be challenging. Study Coach is here to support University students with doing a dissertation or completing a research project. 

Doing Research 

Research is an investigation and it should be conducted in a systematic way, it should be a systematic investigation that sets out to increase knowledge. The term ‘research’ can be used to mean many things, first year nursing students will quickly need to understand that doing marketing research to find out shopping preferences is not the same as doing academic research/scientific research.  

Evidence Based Practice/Research 

Scientific research also referred to as academic research will need to be verifiable, research should be rigorous and findings should be generalisable (keep this in mind when planning the research proposal). The findings of a scientific research carried out on one group of students studying sports at Loughborough University, should therefore be applicable to a similar group of students at another University where sports is offered (hence generalisable).  Academic research should be empirically verifiable, so that other researchers can repeat the study. The research should therefore explain the research process (how it was done) where and when it was done, so we could check that it actually took place and if we repeat the process we should get the same/similar results. 

University Assignments – Presentations

Learners are usually great at talking, however when the word presentation is mentioned, there is usually a deadly silence or behaviours change to a state of panic. “I can’t talk in front of the whole class, I’m just not good at it. I’m going to have a heart attack, look and feel my sweaty palms, I swear I’m having angina”.  Study Coach advice is ‘don’t panic, all will be fine’. Fear will negatively impact on your performance, so push aside fears and embrace the opportunity to show off your verbal skills and enjoy the presentation.  When presenting ensure that you use appropriate volume in order to be heard, deliver the presentation at an appropriate pace, use clear speech.  If the presentation is to be uploaded, and not delivered in person, students should ensure that power-point slides provides details. Focus more on providing text, as opposed to giving a multitude of slides with large images to fill-up the space, also ensure that information presented is sufficiently referenced.     

Interviews for Employment 

Study Coach is also here to help students prepare for an employment interview. In view of ensuing interviews, the following information will hopefully provide some help to students. 

Nursing Students University Interview

A newly qualified nursing student seeking employment will need to convince a prospective interviewer that they have the skills and qualities to become a good nurse.  A good nurse need to possess caring qualities, he/she need to demonstrate compassion, have good communication skills, show respect and resilience, be accountable and adaptable.  Having an awareness of what is required of you should help you to ensure that you offer evidence to try and secure the job. 

Verbal Communication 

The interview will clearly test your communication skills, so in preparation for interviews it is worthwhile reflecting on theoretical ideas underpinning communication. Spoken Communication is researched by old masters such as Michael Argyle. Study Coach would like to encourage students to set aside time to practise for the interview, approach interviews in the same way as you would do for a presentation. Study Coach would like students to focus on articulation, but don’t waste time worrying about having an accent (we all have an accent, and should be comfortable with our accent). The aim is to be understood, to deliver meaning, as opposed to be worrying about elocution lessons. 

Interpersonal Skills and Conflict Management 

Interviewers might want to hear how you would deal with conflict, so be prepared. The aim is to show that you can de-escalate a situation and not make the situation worse. You could say that taking people away from the area and sitting them down, to allow them to explain what led to the problem would be your chosen strategy. Furthermore, you should give your interviewers confidence and let them know that you are aware of when it is best to escalate the matter to a senior member of staff. 


Study Coach is here to help you with your education, to improve assignment grades, to be the best you can be. We act as a critical friend and will guide you to understand the assessment criteria and for you to develop your academic skills. We provide both an Essay and Dissertation Online service. Study Coach provides online tutoring at its best, and you can access the service at any time and submit your work overnight. Students can also use the Buy Coach a Coffee service to ask questions for their essay or dissertation. To find out more about our academic support and other services, call Morel Benard for a chat on 07944 849271 or email: 

Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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