Academic Support Activity WorkBook: Contract Law

Study Coach WorkBooks provides learning support to help all kinds of learners (Homeschoolers, College and Lifelong Learners). The workbooks are designed by Morel Benard at Study Coach. You will find a range of topics available and new topics are added on a regular basis. You will find the books for sale at Amazon, here is a link to the author’s page:


The workbooks are designed to aid learning and provide entertainment, we believe that learning should be fun. Study Coach WorkBooks provides conceptual ideas and explanation to support learners with their learning. The Contract Law book provides examples to help simplify legal terms and a number of learning activities are provided, learners will complete the activities. You will find the correct answers listed at the end of the book, so you can check your learning. 

Books at Amazon

Here is a direct link to the Study Coach “WorkBook: Learn Contract Law”

Contract Law WorkBook 

It is advisable to have an understanding of Contract Law, because Law impacts so much of our daily lives. The Study Coach WorkBook takes a look at the basic principles of Offer and Acceptance and Counter Offer, Terms of Contract and other legal concepts. As with all workbooks there are learning activities to complete to check learning. Answers are provided at the end of the book. 


Study Coach WorkBooks are a great way to educate and entertain young people attending school, college or homeschooling. The books should prove to be a useful resource for parents/carers homeschooling, parents can print activities from the book and incorporate into lesson plans. The workbooks can also spark ideas for a Home Education curriculum. 

Homeschooling Resource

If you are an adult with responsibility for Homeschooling, then do include Study Coach books when planning lessons and creating a curriculum. In the Study Coach collection of books you will find a Word Search book on ‘Nouns’, Learn Human Biology, Fruit and Nuts and other topics. The Learn about Deviance book, should prove valuable if you are Homeschooling on the topic, or wish to stretch learners knowledge base. Young learners can extend their vocabulary by identifying words and learning about new concepts. You will find all Study Coach Workbooks  and Word Search books at Amazon. 

Lifelong Learning

Study Coach books are designed for adults with an interest for general learning, and personal development. The Contract workbook should prove useful to adult learners. Adults will be able to implement the learning at work or when doing business, and interacting socially. Retired readers can engage with learning with Study Coach WorkBooks, stimulating memory and adding new knowledge. 

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