Academic Support: Essay Writing, Dissertation Writing

A new course of learning can create anxiety, and challenges. Study Coach Academic Support is here to help students with Essay Writing, Research Projects, final Dissertation Writing. International students at the start of the academic year in a foreign country, will also benefit from Study Coach’s Academic Support. The main message is ‘don’t panic’ everything is doable, the new college or university environment will soon become familiar, allowing you to focus on learning. 

Universities UK

 Study Coach is here online to help both students and prospective students. Perhaps you are aiming to be a UK Home student and have submitted a University application through UCAS, or you are presently abroad and hope to apply for a UK University place and need some guidance. Study Coach academic support is here to help both undergraduates and graduates with their university application. 

Essay Writing

 Once at college or university, your focus should be your learning goals. If English is not your first language or you are a native English speaker but need academic support for assignments, then you should find Study Coach’s resources to be of great help, allowing you to achieve your academic goals and be what you want to become. 

Essay Writing Skills

Here at Study Coach UK we believe that all students have the potential to write excellent essays, all that is required is for students to have an understanding of the key steps to follow. 

Essay Writing Introduction

Students need to understand that the purpose of the essay introduction is to set the scene, students need to tell readers the aims and objectives of the essay, theories, models, to be relied on, ethical consideration if required and to explain to readers (markers) how the essay will be presented. Students will need to make connections between what is said in the introduction and what will be discussed/analysed in the body of the essay.

Dissertation Writing  

Critical thinking skills are crucial when writing essays, and it is of great importance when tackling a Dissertation. If you are a third year student and have received feedback from your University tutors that your essays are descriptive, then you need to take note and improve the discursive content of essays, in order to increase your chances of doing well with the Dissertation. Study Coach’s resources are designed to simplify research methods, and yet at the same time provide details to help students. Dissertation resources will guide students to develop discursive and analytical skills, critique research and much more.

Academic Support

Non-traditional mature learners, making the transition from college studies (Access Courses) to university can find essay writing, and dissertation writing to be very challenging.  Study Coach is here to support mature learners, we appreciate that mature learners have to juggle both academic workload and family matters. In addition, students might be caring for an aged family member and also continuing with paid employment, these issues can become overwhelming for both new and continuing students. Study Coach’s academic support resources, are made available to all learners here in the UK and abroad. We are here to support all learners, with their learning journey, all you need to do is to reach out to us.

Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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