Academic Support Nursing Uniform and Shoes

You should deliberate long and hard before signing-up for a University degree course. Don’t choose a course simply based on your friends or family preference, remember that you will be the one spending years studying the subject.
I have noticed that Nursing has become a popular degree course, attracting both men and women, this is good news, since we do need more nurses. In this blog I will focus on Adult Nursing and give you an insight into one medical topic nursing students will study, I will also consider workwear (uniform and footwear for nurses).
My name is Morel Benard and I have many years experience preparing students to study for a University degree. I have a BSc Honours degree in Psychology, LLB Honours (Law), Teaching qualifications and Post-Graduate qualifications. I currently provide Academic Support online to University and College students, including Nursing students. My online business Study Coach is based in the UK.
You should certainly expect to study physiology and pharmacological topics in you nursing degree, social factors and psychological issues are also important when delivering care, so be aware that you will need to engage with these topics.
Issues surrounding leadership, ethics, decision making, working in a multi-disciplinary team, reflective practice and evidence based nursing care will all feature in your degree. Nursing students will need to learn about assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care.
In regard to assessment mode you will draft care plans, care study, write theoretical essays, reflective essays, deliver presentations, sit exams and hopefully have some enjoyable placements and conclude with a dissertation. You will become knowledgeable about all kinds of diseases, including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases. It should go without saying but in order to write nursing assignments you will need to buy a laptop or desktop computer, you can’t complete these assignments on your phone or be reliant on using a University computer.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) affects the airways making breathing difficult; a COPD is a respiratory disease (chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema). COPD can have great impact on patients’ lives, therefore nurses should consider the patient’s bio-psychosocial needs, furthermore consideration should be given to the role of the family and Activity of Daily Living. The Community Respiratory Specialist Nurse will need to help manage patients’ COPD, this can create many challenges for nurses.
Difficulties with breathing, will limit the COPD patient’s mobility and prevent him/her from carrying out Activity of Daily Living (ADL), for example washing and dressing. If a patient is unable to wash him/herself, it is likely to result in feelings of discomfort, not feeling good about self and lead to worries about hygiene. A nurse should consider these issues on behalf of the patient.
Students need to engage with evidence based nursing, meaning that they need to be aware of research. Coton et, al (2017); Gold (2017); Baghai-Ravary et, al (2008); Haddad, Hassan and many others all have a research interest in COPD. In order for students to write an essay, firstly they should locate relevant literature on COPD and select the researches they wish to rely on.
The COPD disease can lead to muscle wasting for patients, causing anaemia, create difficulties sleeping, affect appetite, overall energy, affect psychological well-being, impact on capacity to work and to socialise. If the COPD patient has been a smoker since childhood, it is likely that with the development of the disease the patient will have a chronic cough and suffer with acute exacerbation of COPD.
The nurses uniform will be your badge of professional identity, some hospitals will provide you with your uniform, others will require you to pay. Workwear is very important not only for self-image and identification purposes but also for hygiene. Nurses work in very close proximity to patients, looking smart and feeling clean will all add to having a caring bedside manner when on placement and when qualified as a professional nurse. You should therefore consider buying an additional uniform in case your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to get the washing done in time for work. There are a number of places to buy nursing uniforms, do take a look at nurses uniform workwear:
Continuous walking is all part of nursing and if there is an emergency nurses’ might also have to run. Finding comfortable shoes to wear whilst working is crucial, high heels are just not practical. Flat shoes might not be great for your self-image but your feet will thank you during long shifts. There are some attractive practical footwear designed specifically for nurses (men and women) these nurses shoes are lightweight, comfortable and supportive to aid tired feet. You might find the following link on nurses shoes useful:
When you receive academic assignments be it essays or a dissertation do remember that Study Coach UK is here to support you. We expect students to draft the assignment but we will guide you in respect of the assessment criteria, evidence, theoretical understanding, nursing principles for inclusion, application skills, how to move from descriptive to discursive content and much more.
In selecting relevant literature you need to be familiar with the patient’s case. This could be a patient that was presented during placement or it could be a scenario, the important point is that you need to be familiar with the facts of the case, so that you can apply the literature to the patient. Study Coach UK understand University expectations and learning needs and we take pleasure in supporting you to raise your grades.
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Morel Benard at Study Coach UK (Educator/Storyteller/Spoken Word Artist)