Academic Tutor for University Students – Study Coach

Writing an essay for submission over the summer period is no fun, particularly if the result will determine whether you can progress to the next academic year. If the essay is a late submission or a re-submission, Study Coach Online is here to help you.  I understand the stress you may be experiencing and will guide you to understand and complete the task for submission.  Morel at Study Coach is an experienced and qualified lecturer, having taught at Higher and Further Education – PGCE qualified. 

I recently read an assignment based on a Scenario Case Study,  in the Introduction of the work, the student spent a great deal of time,  discussing the importance of confidentiality and the need to use a pseudonym.  By virtue of being a scenario there is no requirement to create a pseudonym, it took the student a while to reflect on the error; this is an example of how stress can affect us.  At this stage of your studies you need to aim to get the highest grade possible, even if the grade is to be capped because of late submission or re-submission. If you don’t aim high enough you run the risk of getting a fail. 

The basic rule is therefore to focus on the assessment criteria, to help reduce the risk of getting a low mark.  When working under pressure it is too easy to simply regurgitate researchers’ findings, and to become dependent on researchers language. This is a no-no, you will fall foul of plagiarism and particularly at this stage of your studies you will be inviting disciplinary action.  Study Coach will facilitate you to minimise descriptive writing and to improve discursive content.  Writing an academic essay should be a creative exercise,  though not a fairy story. The essay should be well supported with relevant research, theories, concepts and provide evidence of your ability to think critically.  It can sometimes take a while to develop and apply critical thinking skills to essays and dissertation, and given that time is of the essence for you, Study Coach will extend its working hours to support you.  

If you are drafting a Proposal for a Dissertation then focus on being specific, for example do not try to cover the whole of the UK, localise the research. You could focus on London and to be more specific Camden or Chelsea, the decision is yours, the point being made is that the research should be specific, if the proposal is too general you are likely to fail. 

Why not submit your draft proposal or essay to Study Coach for guidance. Call Morel Benard at Study Coach to discuss your learning need – Phone: 07944 849271. Study Coach website is Email: 


Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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