Academic Year
Whenever we get to the end of an academic year, an old Sidney Poitier film always comes to mind, the title is ‘To Sir With Love’. The lyrics by Black and London says that it is time for closing books, to reflect on all that you have learnt and to thank those who have taught you. I know that at this point of writing, many of you have already attended your graduation and are now off to greener pastures. It goes without saying that I wish you all well. Over the past academic year (2017 – 2018) you have written numerous essays and other assignments, sat a number of exams and delivered a few nervous presentations to your peers. At times you may have felt like giving up, having received a disappointing feedback or mark from your tutor, or because you have had to juggle some major personal crisis on top of submitting University assignments. But when the going gets rough, the tough gets going, and so congratulations to you for surviving the academic year; and a massive congratulation on your achievements. You have worked hard, so now play hard, de-stress both mind and body.
If you’re not a final year student and therefore returning in September 2018, there is even more reason to ensure that you have a great summer, put the books away, relax, catch-up on your sleep and then have a party, reconnect with family and friends. If you have decided to enrol on a post-graduate course, then my message is still the same, make the most of the summer break; towards the end of the break do however try to do some preliminary reading in view of your new course. Do remember that a dissertation at first degree level is very different to what will be required at post-graduate level. I really do think that all Universities should use the term ‘Research Project’ for the final piece of work carried out for a BA or BSc. As we know a number of Universities use the term ‘Dissertation’ this can be confusing and create untold learning issues for students particularly if they move to a new University with higher expectations. The reason for making this point is to bring it to your attention, in case you are not aware of institutional differences.
If you are going abroad for a holiday and the situation presents itself, do try to partake in a new activity. Perhaps try to speak the local language, be adventurous but at the same time, take care. If you are staying at home and you live in the city, try to visit a rural part of the country, and if you live in a rural area, try to experience city life. Sometimes we get brainwashed into believing that certain activities can only be performed by a specific group of people, don’t fall into that trap. If an opportunity to go kayaking or horse riding presents itself, then try it, remember to play safe.
At this point in time the UCAS Clearing system is open. There are places available for September 2018, and for some courses places are available for January 2019. If your interest is Nursing, I note that University of East London is running Adult Nursing in January 2019. If you wish to start in September 2018, London City University, Birmingham, Anglia Ruskin and many others are interviewing. See: Clearing at UCAS. If you are an ex-Access student and require a reference for UCAS, do get in touch with me.
Finally, if unfortunately you are submitting assignments during the summer months, don’t forget that Study Coach is here to provide Academic Support and other Assignment help.
Enjoy the summer, have a wonderful time, stay safe. Have fun, lots of fun, but remember that you have future goals to accomplish in the next academic year. Before I forget, if you do visit YouTube, please take a look at my channel Study Coach UK. Subscribe if you can. In due course it will be populated with educational resources and learning tips.
Morel Benard