Applying Concepts to Essay Writing

Studying is great, but when you have a number of deadline dates to meet,  and limited time to draft assignments, then it could all become a bit worrying and overwhelming.  Study buddies and tutors might tell you that you just haven’t got your time management right, but you might beg to differ.  You know that you are well organised,  setting aside adequate time for studies, work and family life, but yet you realise that you have difficulties completing course assignments. 



I am going to suggest that perhaps the problem is nothing to do with time management, perhaps the issue is not knowing how to go about using research evidence to support the essay.  So, when you sit at your desk and open a word or page document, you simply don’t know what to write, because you don’t fully understand the theoretical concepts stated in the assignment brief. If this is the case then you will no doubt start searching the internet for a document to explain the concept(s) in simple terms.  From my experience, students’ sometimes will even try referring to the ordinary English dictionary to find an explanation for an academic concept (I would not recommend this).  I recognise the difficulties students’ might face in understanding concepts, particularly if they were unable to attend lecturers or missed seminars.  In view of this, Study Coach offers students theoretical concepts, so that students can simply step right into crafting their essays.  



Let’s say for example that you were asked to critically assess the relationship between accommodation, assimilation and intrinsic motivation, but you missed the College/University lecture, or perhaps you were present but when reading back your notes you simply cannot figure out how to write 1,500 words on the topic.  You have found documents via the internet outlining or detailing the concepts, but the language used is too elaborate, creating more confusion for you. What you really need is a document that is simple to understand, yet detailed, providing examples, so that you can get to grips with what the terms actually mean, according to the theorist. 



Study Coach’s concepts are presented as mini lectures,  they are designed to aid you in writing your essays.  The name of the concept cannot be changed, this is the property of the theorist; for example if the term is accommodation, then it remains as accommodation, as coined by Piaget. However,  since our aim is to help you gain understanding and for you to be able to apply theory to your particular practice, we provide relatable examples to help you to understand, distinguish, critique and apply the concepts to your specific area of practice.  Where appropriate we use lay terms to facilitate your learning experience, and to stimulate ideas, helping you to become discursive and to apply the conceptual evidence to your own area of practice. To score high in assignments, students’ need to rely on evidence and to apply evidence (evidence based practice).  


Join Study Coach UK and when faced with your next assignment simply access the website and select the relevant concept and get writing.  Subscribe to Study Coach Phone: 07944 849271


Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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