Barriers to Learning – Study Coach




Language concentrates on four key skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Learners should be encouraged to actively listen and to discuss others’ ideas and present their own. Teachers and Facilitators should therefore encourage learners to say what they think              about what they have read. If Teachers encourage learners to discuss what they have read, learners will be able to put their thoughts into writing much more easily, because learners will have a better understanding about language, spelling and punctuation.

Barriers to Learning (Dyslexia and related specific Learning difficulties).

There are 3 categories of Barriers to Learning

1. Language based (Dyslexia)

2. Visual-motor (Dyspraxia) 

3. Attention (ADD = attention deficit disorder)

Learners may have features of both dyslexia and ADD, whilst others have features of dyslexia and dyspraxia. Note that learners will have strengths and weaknesses, for example a dyslexic learner might have visual strengths. 

If you are teaching literacy and numeracy to adult learners, give some consideration to factors why the learner experienced difficulties in learning in the past. Is the learner having difficulties with spoken language? Did the learner have behavioural and attitude issues during their experience of early schooling? It is possible that if the learner is assessed he/she may be found to show the following specific or combined characteristics:

a) Dyslexia (b) Difficulties with distinguishing some speech sounds (c) Problems with expressing self clearly when speaking (d) Have poor self-image and low confidence in his/her learning ability 

In order to understand the learner’s difficulties, teachers should discuss with the learner about their aspirations, mapped against the skills that the learner needs to learn in order to reach their goals. Study Coach UK appreciates that the teacher is likely to be delivering teaching to a large class, setting aside time to have a one-to-one discussion with learners could therefore be challenging; however if it is the teacher’s objective to support learners then it will be a worthwhile discussion. 

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