Best Educational Podcast for Professional Development – Study Coach Podcast

Teaching and Learning is important to our work and social advancement, and so the focus of Study Coach podcast is teaching and learning. Entrepreneurs, employees, adult students, can benefit from the teachings delivered through Study Coach.  Teachings on various topics are crafted in stories to educate and to entertain listeners. Study Coach educational podcast is presented each week, all you have to do is to download the podcast episode via your preferred streaming service.  The podcast is free to download, and free to subscribe to, please offer some digital currency by freely subscribing.  

Podcast Streaming Services

You will find Study Coach Podcast on most major podcast platforms such as Google, Apple, Spotify, Buzzsprout. Please note the rss feed for Study Coach, please find the link for Buzzsprout and Apple: 

Study Coach Podcast platforms links:

Storytelling Podcast

The world of podcasting is a great way to educate people, and the use of stories helps to fuse entertainment with education.  Study Coach stories are created by Morel Benard. The use of storytelling in education is a proven way to simplify theoretical ideas and concepts and to make academic ideas more easy to understand. Study Coach podcast is not only for adult education, some podcast episodes could be very useful for younger learners and also helpful for homeschooling.  

Study Coach Podcast & Homeschooling

For example, if homeschooling on the topic of Stress, and you need an extra resource, you will find the story of Huda, crossing the English channel and heading for London. You will find two episodes of Huda’s story and the concepts of the Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion stage of Stress are applied to help listeners to learn about stress. The concepts of Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion, belongs to Hans Selye’s theory, Huda’s story should help homeschooling learners to understand an aspect of Selye’s theory.

Professional Development 

For most workers, continuing professional development and up-skilling are part of contractual duties. Companies today requiring employees to provide evidence of training undertaken, with the expectation that the training will be applied in the workplace. Study Coach podcast is not presently linked to a certification, providing evidence of study undertaken, but perhaps in time this will be formalised if required. Study Coach teachings are based on the academic subject of Psychology; the aim is to help employees, managers, entrepreneurs and others to learn psychological ideas and to implement in their work and social lives. 

Education and Training

Understanding workplace stress is important, so it is advisable to raise self-awareness about stressors and stress-responses. You will find two podcast episodes on Alex the salesman, who experienced stress due to changes at his workplace. In this particular podcast the concept of ‘Perception’ is highlighted; problems with perception can lead to stress. Soft skills, otherwise referred to as Interpersonal Skills will feature in future podcast, emotional intelligence, leadership, team-building, will also feature as we progress.  Study Coach is focused on helping people to fill in gaps in their education and training, and to do so via podcasting. 

Google Podcast,  Spotify, Apple Podcast, Buzzsprout

Study Coach educational podcast is available on most podcast platforms. You can access Study Coach podcast via Google Podcast, Spotify Podcast  Apple Podcast, Buzzsprout Podcast, and on other podcast platforms. You can listen to Study Coach when travelling short or long journeys, take Study Coach with you on vacation. 

Study Coach Podcast is FREE:

There is no cost to download Study Coach podcast, it is FREE.  Join Study Coach podcast community by subscribing. Subscription is Free (no money involved). Subscription is a way of communicating to Study Coach that the service is of some value. Please Subscribe and if you can offer a good Review that would be appreciated. 

Thank you so much for all you help, time and support this past year – It’s difficult to put into words really. It’s a bit strange for me as I have never had someone outside of my family make such an impact on my life before, but you have. To be frank, you’ve taught me more than the text book stuff (LoL) seriously you’ve given me the vital tools I need to not only succeed in University, but things I will take on for the rest of time. Thank you for your Realness. Thanks for everything. I wish you all the best and more.

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