Black History Month USA Education, Carter G. Woodson on Study Coach Podcast
Study Coach Education Podcast presents shows on the topic of prejudice and discrimination. Storytelling is used to educate and entertain listeners. The topic of prejudice and discrimination is a sensitive topic but irrespective of sensitivity we need to talk about the topic and related issues. Study Coach Podcast recently looked at the life of Ignatius Sancho and the life of Anne Frank. To recognise Black History Month USA, Study Coach Podcast will now focus on the life of Carter G. Woodson an American.
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Education Podcast: Holocaust Remembrance Day, Anne Frank Diary, Prejudice & Discrimination
Carter G. Woodson
Carter G. Woodson is the man responsible for launching the idea of celebrating black history. In February 1926 Woodson launched the celebration of ‘Negro History Week’ the precursor of Black History Month. There is a view that black history should be celebrated all year round; there is also another view that there is no necessity to have a black history month and what about white history? My belief is that through acknowledging black history we are also acknowledging white history. For example, in reflecting on issues surrounding slavery, then quite clearly we are also talking about white history (distasteful though it might be).

Black History Month USA
In celebrating Woodson’s contribution to history Study Coach Podcast will focus on the Port Royal Experiment 1863 USA. We will learn that abandoned slaves living in the Port Royal areas became free men and that the Congressional Act of June 7, 1862, whereby the USA Government relinquished its purchases of land, led to freedmen (ex-slaves) being able to work and earn and to purchase acres of land. In 1863 freemen bought 3, 500 acres of land, becoming landowners. In the Port Royal Experiment the freedman entered into an education programme as stipulated by the Congressional Act of 1862. The concept of the freedman includes women and children receiving an education.
Black History UK – Tottenham London, Black Boy Lane
A recent BBC news report in the UK informs us that the London Borough of Haringey has decided that a road sign in Tottenham is offensive, for your information the road sign is ‘Black Boy Lane’. I’m left wondering what exactly is offensive about the road sign, is it the word ‘black’ that is offensive or is it ‘boy’ or is the offending word ‘lane’? If it is the combination of words, then I believe that people should be considering why the words were originally put together. I have limited knowledge about the history of Haringey, but sufficient knowledge to know that people categorised as ‘black’ were made into slaves and sold in Haringey. The business of selling ‘black’ people took place in the small park area on Black Boy Lane, with white slave buyers meeting in the Black Boy Pub (public house) located at the other end of Black Boy Lane, hence the name ‘Black Boy Lane’.
British History & Slaves, Haringey London
If this is the history then surely it is wrong to change the name of the road. Black Boy Lane provides historical evidence that contrary to belief slaves were being sold in England, black people have therefore been in England for centuries. There is a view that black people’s presence in the UK only started with the Windrush ship, some people have been indoctrinated to believe that the arrival of the Windrush ship was the starting point and they are unshakeable in respect of their false knowledge. The London Borough of Haringey should reinstate the Black Boy Lane signage and educate its citizens on the history of black people in the borough. Promoting the history (distasteful as it may be) may well help some citizens in Haringey and other boroughs to feel a greater sense of belonging to the UK.
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