Books, Storytelling, Best Audiobooks, Stories to Entertain & Educate

Study Coach UK Youtube channel presents books to entertain and educate. Visitors to the channel will find a range of good English Literature; detective stories, romantic tales, real life stories can be found in the playlist. The stories are presented by narrator: Morel Benard. It is Free to access the videos/audiobooks, and you can gain access whenever it is convenient for you. Study Coach UK would appreciate if you would Subscribe (subscription is Free). 

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Share Storytelling AudioBooks  

Please feel free to share Study Coach’s videos with others, whether they are in your locality or abroad. Listening to stories is a great way to stimulate our minds, and listening to stories can also help to support English as a Second Language learners. Stories can provide great opportunities for a discussion, and to enable people to become creative, plus enhancing listening and learning skills and providing entertainment. 

Book: 1984 Big Brother, New World Order 

The book 1984, Big Brother New World Order is a fascinating story. The story is set in London, England, it is a thought provoking book, ideas of the Thought Police, changes in language and social control, should leave us thinking whether the ideas are now being implemented in our present lives. The story of 1984 is a work of fiction, but it can leave readers and listeners wondering if the writer had a premonition about the future. I like to refer to the story as 1984, Big Brother new World Order. Big Brother, New World Order was once deemed to be too controversial, too political, when it was first published, listen to the story and carry out your own appraisal. 

Book: Love in the Haystacks 

You will find Love in the Haystacks in the Playlist, there is rivalry, jealousy, but also brotherly love, as two brothers eventually find their own love interest.  It is a relatively short story, set on a farm in England, and  provides insight into country life during the particular era. The story also depicts innocence as the two brothers transition from boyhood to manhood. 

Book: Lady Chatterly’s Lover 

There is the complete work of Lady Chatterly’s Lover in Study Coach UK Playlist on Youtube. Lady Chatterly’s Lover is a raunchy story, the work was once banned, deemed to be too scandalous at the time of its first publication, the story is set in the north of England and it considers issues such as social class, politics, social life. The complete story is waiting for you in the playlist. The story is narrated by storyteller: Morel Benard. 

Science-Fiction Books

In Read my Mind, the scientist Griffin continues to process ideas, make decisions, analyse information, though he no longer has a body, but he has a super working mind. Read my Mind is a science fiction thought provoking book, the story demonstrates the Power of Mind. The central character is given a mechanical voice (AI), he has no body, but he has emotions. 

Study Coach Storytelling on YouTube

Study Coach is certainly making the most of Youtube audio facilities. The use of audio means that we can attend to household chores and listen to a good story all at the same time. Listen to a Study Coach UK story as you take a walk, go for a drive, go to the gym, or simply listen when relaxing. Storytelling can also benefit adults when recovering in hospital or when at home. Senior citizens residing in a care home or at home can also derive enjoyment from listening to Study Coach UK storytelling.

Subscribe & Share Storytelling AudioBooks  

Listening to stories can enhance listening and learning skills and provide entertainment. Please Subscribe to Study Coach UK channel on Youtube and Please Share the videos/audiobooks with others.  

Link to Study Coach UK on YouTube 

 The Study Coach UK YouTube channel page:

You have been such a great inspiration to me. You made me have an interest in Psychology. You are a great teacher. May God’s grace and blessings continue to flow in life to make a great impact on the next generations.

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