How to Write a Good Essay | Study Coach UK

Study Coach is a Private Online Education Learning Provider, supporting students to understand essay writing and to identify what is a good essay. Study Coach will support students on how to create a discursive essay and how to write essays using critical thinking skills. Submit your draft University and College assignment for professional feedback. Adult
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Academic Support to make Essay Writing less Stressful | Study Coach UK

Here at Study Coach UK we know that completing academic assignments can cause great stress. A heavy workload with multiple essays requiring completion or having to write a research proposal can even result in students questioning their competence to achieve. We are here to provide the support you need to guide you, to teach and
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Dissertation Writing Assignment Support Service | Study Coach UK

We know from experience that non-traditional learners attending Further or Higher Education can find the learning experience challenging. For Access to Higher Education students writing a final research project can cause great stress, here at Study Coach we suggest that students should allocate sufficient time for the collection of data and create a strategy for
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Academic Support Online University Education | Study Coach UK

A recent Guardian newspaper article brings attention to the challenges facing University students now learning online. With campuses closed and more Universities and Further Education Colleges moving to online education, students are having a rough time. Face-to-face teaching now replaced with webinars, students are left to struggle on their own and from what we have
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Education Consultant Online, Help with Essays & Dissertation|Study Coach UK

Writing an academic essay or Dissertation can cause students great anxiety particularly when there is no Academic Support available. If studying from home due to closure of University, College, School or you are Home Schooling, Study Coach UK is here to support you. Simply get in touch and book a consultation for online tutoring, you
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Essay Writing Feedback Service | Study Coach UK

Study Coach UK will provide you with Feedback to help you write your University or College essay; we are here to help you achieve academic success. When drafting the assignment consult with Study Coach online and we will act as your tutor and guide you to write your essay.   SUPPORT to WRITE UNIVERSITY ESSAY
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Study Coach: Back to School/College Educational Supplies & Research

A new term, new beginnings, lots of learning to be done, learners going back to school/college/university will need to buy educational supplies for the learning journey. I am sure that learners at Secondary School will have already made a visit to their Local Mall or checked online and submitted their supplies list to parents/guardians. Young
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Study Coach Academic Support Tutor Online

Study Coach is here to support all learners,  it matters not whether you are enrolled at a brick and mortar establishment, studying via distance learning or you are retired and identify yourself as a lifelong learner.  If you need academic support then Study Coach is here to help.  Making the transition from school/college to
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Study Coach Academic Support: How to Prevent Plagiarism?

Student Zone, University Library, University Academic Support Department, Study Coach UK will all echo the same warning to students and that is: Don’t Plagiarise/Avoid Academic Misconduct. At the start of the academic year the academic support department will usually provide university students with rules surrounding plagiarism. Further Education Colleges will also provide students with information
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Study Coach Academic Support: Referencing

Welcome to the world of submitting essays and other assignments. In studying for a university degree or college qualification you will need to produce numbers of written assignments and you will be required to accurately evidence your assignments. At the start of the academic year I expect that you will be introduced to your University
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