Essay Writing Support Service | Study Coach UK



Essay Writing Support Service to Help University and College Students Online raise Assignment Grades. Submit Draft Assignments for Guidance and Detailed Feedback on how to make improvements. The Essay Writing Support Service follows University support guidelines, working in an educational ethical manner. Study Coach’s written feedback is supported with verbal discussion to aid students’ education.

Experience has told us that there are lots of people at college and university who simply aren’t getting the level of support they need from their course lecturers/tutors. Many students, especially those from a non-traditional academic background, are struggling with their education to write essays and to achieve.

StudyCoach can now fill this void, with personalised, 1-to-1 consultations by email and/or telephone.
It’s a totally flexible online educational service for students in the UK and abroad, and is charged per paper, fees are based on wordage.

StudyCoach can help you to improve your grades, to be the best that you can be. StudyCoach provides online education at its best, the service is ethical in accordance with University support guidelines.

If you have returned to education and are undertaking a Degree or Access Diploma and need academic support to raise your learning curve and confidence, then get in touch.

We currently offer support for students studying Nursing & Midwifery, Social Care, Social Work, Youth Justice, Teaching, Criminology, Law, Public Health and Access Courses.

How it works…

Learners simply submit their draft assignment plus assessment criteria and the deadline date via email. StudyCoach will then review the work and provide detailed feedback with suggestions on any one piece of work. The fee is based on wordage – an essay of less than 3,000 words is £30.00; a 3,000-4,000 word essay is £40.00; a 4,000-5000 word essay is £50.00.

The pricing of a dissertation/research project of up to 7,000 words, and a dissertation/research project up to 10,000 is £84 – £120.

The dissertation or research project service is available here.

StudyCoach is an Online Educational Service, we are able to support English-speaking learners anywhere in the world – Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe and the USA. In all cases, payment can be made via PayPal.

Our aim is to raise learners’ learning curve, and to act as a critical friend. We aim to guide learners to develop academic skills, by correcting their essays, reports or dissertation and to help learners develop critical thinking skills; to facilitate learners to engage with academic language and to understand assessment criteria. By doing so, learners will improve their grades and ultimately realise their potential.

To find out more about our academic support and consultation services, call Morel Benard on 07944 849271 or email

To find out more about our academic support and education consultation services,
call Morel Benard on 07944 849271 or email

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Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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