Dissertation Writing Assignment Support Service | Study Coach UK

We know from experience that non-traditional learners attending Further or Higher Education can find the learning experience challenging. For Access to Higher Education students writing a final research project can cause great stress, here at Study Coach we suggest that students should allocate sufficient time for the collection of data and create a strategy for locating relevant literature, otherwise known as a Search Strategy.

It can be very time consuming doing primary research, the chances are that if your assignment is a 8,000 word project (dissertation) you will conduct a literature search based on secondary evidence as opposed to going out into the field to find your own data. Carrying out a literature review can however be equally demanding and will require the researcher to employ good time management skills. In view of students’ progression and aspirations, Study Coach would like to bring it to students’ attention that a 8,000 word assignment is usually considered to be a research project as opposed to a dissertation. A dissertation usually carried out during a Master degree is 15,000 words plus, if you intend to study for a Master, please bear it in mind that the expectations will be much greater. Study Coach believe in spreading educational knowledge and informing people, hence we want to ensure that students realise that there are differences between ‘dissertation’. 

The research assignment will require you to select a topic and critically appraise the research literature in your chosen research area.

To identify key themes which emerge from the chosen research papers,  critique methodology, consider ethical issues, analyse and critique the literature, raise a discussion, suggest recommendations, write a statement on how it will enhance practice.  

Try to choose a research topic that you are genuinely interested in, it will help to make writing the assignment pleasurable. Study Coach’s Writing Assignment Support Service will guide you every step of the way, we encourage potential clients to pick up the phone and have an initial chat with Morel, ask questions and see how we will be able to help you. Phone Morel Benard at Study Coach on: 07944 849271

Academic Essay Support Study Coach UK

To enable you to plan and write the assignment (dissertation) here is a guide to help you in designing and structuring the work: 


Your university should provide you with a structure, if you haven’t received a guide, you could try the following: Front page, Contents, Acknowledgements, Terminology glossary, Introduction, Background, Themes, Discussion, Recommendations, Conclusion, References, Appendices

(Please note that the above structure is but one way to set out the work just in case your educational establishment failed to supply you with guidance. Do follow the guidance received from your establishment). 


If you have been directed to create a hypotheses, you will need to set out what the dissertation is trying to prove/support. You should consider the underlying theoretical position and theoretical perspective. What is the key literature used as background to the article and say which research methods were used, for example: Interview. You should also consider the nature and size of the sample used and key results, arguments and themes.

Strengths of the Research

In weighing-up strengths you can consider how the research advance your understanding of the research subject. Give consideration to whether there are appropriate hypotheses, methods to test the hypotheses, sample sizes or types, control for variables, recommendations and give consideration to ethics.

Weaknesses of Research

You could consider in what ways is the research limited and when and where would it not apply. Consider what if any are the flaws in the research, in the hypotheses, research design, methods, sample size and type, what conclusions can be drawn on the basis of the results.   

Contact: Study Coach UK is here to support students with their education, we will support you with writing essays, dissertation and with other academic assignments. Email: info@studycoach.uk.com Text or Phone: 07944 849271 

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