Educational Supply Store – Study Coach | Redbubble
Educational resources, schoolbag, notepad, pencil case, stickers are available at Study Coach Online Store. Education starts within the home and it continues within the home, even after School, College and University. We know that some children living in remote areas are home-schooled, others are home-schooled through choice, or because of situations such as lockdown. Unfortunately, we also know that some children in our world are denied an education. Study Coach is all about delivering education and creating Educational Supplies, we do so online.
Education is a lifelong journey, up-skilling and re-skilling to find employment or to become an Entrepreneur or to set-up a side-hustle is now a norm, people can no longer rely on a job for life. Study Coach’s mission is to help people with their education at home, work, school, college, out on the farm or when socialising out and about.
My name is Morel Benard, I have work experience at Higher, Further and Secondary Education and I manage Study Coach Educational Supply Store. I love learning. I have studied the following subjects: Psychology, Education & Training, Law, Criminology, Art, Educational Leadership. I try to support as many students as I can with their educational journey. This is me:
I create educational products to help people with their learning, to make learning accessible, aid memory, to add to and extend knowledge. The learning products are for youths, adults and lifelong learners. From my teaching experience I know that gaps in knowledge can create difficulties for learners, I also know that adult learners prefer bite size learning, and that reading books to acquire nuggets of knowledge can be challenging for many learners. I therefore aim to help people progress with their lives by presenting knowledge in a range of useful formats. Use the product, view it or wear it and let learning takes place.
For example, within school and college, the SMART acronym, is used in personal and group tutorials to help learners plan learning goals. The acronym is very applicable to business. Entrepreneurs and people with a side hustle can employ SMART to help with planning and achieving business goals. The Study Coach SMART travel mug or notebook provides a constant reminder of what steps should be taken in order to progress. A fridge magnet, coasters or a clock are alternative ways to keep focused on marketing plans, or sales plans.
Study Coach’s SMART stickers, school bags, t-shirts, are useful to help students focus on the specific task to be achieved, helping to promote confidence and raise grades. Creating rhymes, limericks, learning about stanzas and similes at school or after the school gate is closed can get confusing, Study Coach Smile Similes products will provide students with learning. Our online educational supply store is at RedBubble marketplace. See: Please take a look and Please make a Purchase.