Essay Writing, Chris Skidmore MP | Study Coach

Education should empower learners, facilitate learners to acquire knowledge and understanding, Chris Skidmore’s Essay Writing Mills Prohibition Bill, is therefore welcomed by Study Coach. Companies that encourage students to pass up on learning and instead to purchase essays for submission to a University or College will hopefully have their wings clipped and face the penalty. Chris Skidmore’s Bill presented in the House of Commons aims to prohibit the operation and advertising of essay mill services. Commissioning an essay mill to write an academic essay is considered to have no place in our society and many will agree with MP Skidmore.

At present under UK law, operating an essay mill is entirely legal, essay writing mill services will churn out essays for students, purchasing an essay mill essay can result in grave consequences for  students, for example, being kicked off courses or having to resubmit work due to plagiarism. Study Coach is supportive of students, we understand that holding down a paid job, studies, caring for a family, attending placement as part of a course can create work overload, and as a consequence some students might be tempted to cheat and employ an essay mill. We know that life can be stressful, but we also know that cheating is not the answer. Having a degree based on other people’s work is a worthless piece of paper, Study Coach is therefore in support of the prohibition of essay writing mills. 

In supporting Chris Skidmore’s Essay Bill we would also like to appeal to Universities and Colleges to provide more support for learners, particularly for mature students, whose first language is not English. Lecturers, do have a heavy workload and from experience we know that many lecturers do not take too kindly to being assigned to the role of personal tutor. Students have reported that lecturers can be very difficult to contact, getting adequate support from personal tutors can therefore become a nightmare, and furthermore students with English as a second language require more tutorial time. Here at Study Coach we try to support University and College students, we are qualified to teach, give feedback on academic assignments, provide pastoral support, we would love to work closer with Universities. We would be happy to work in partnership with Universities in order to support students with assignments. Study Coach promotes quality – IQA qualified.    

In presenting the Bill (259) Chris Skidmore states that essay mills are an unacceptable feature of the British education system. The MP describes the ‘so-called essay mills’ as a rot that infects the very discipline of learning, and that they have the potential to damage academic integrity beyond repair. The online presence of essay mills and their websites is said to have infiltrated all sectors of education, from universities through to schools, cheating is therefore now all-pervasive. We note from the MP’s speech that the most passionate advocates of ending essay mills have been the students themselves, clearly these are students working in an ethical manner and not the ones sourcing an essay mill service. 

It appears that the COVID pandemic has led to an increase of services preying on students, since the number of essay mills has drastically increased. We understand the argument, however we do feel that it is the student who are sourcing the services and choosing to be lazy, when students are told that they will need to draft their work, some will still try to request if the work could be written for them. Students need to engage with independent learning, develop critical thinking skills, apply ethics, be accountable and take pride in their education and future career. It is very worrying when a law student and other students whose future career is guided by ethics is requesting for someone to write their essay, we should all be concerned.   

Chris Skidmore states that in presenting the Bill, the aim is not to criminalise students themselves for using essay mills. Universities are being encouraged to look at new strategies to give students found cheating a second chance to redeem themselves, to give students the opportunity to own their mistakes. This strategy  would lead to a discussion with the student and prevent a formal investigation from having to take place.  

Here at Study Coach we really do hope that all students will choose to engage with their education and take pride in drafting their essays, students are welcome to contact Study Coach for support; Study Coach is very good in helping students with essays. You can now request a Zoom meeting with Morel Benard, Study Coach look forward to hearing from you.  

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If you need support with Essay Writing, Research Projects, Dissertation, UCAS Statement or any other assignment, or know of someone who would benefit from essay support, then get in touch or suggest that they make contact with us:

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