Essay Writing Example Nursing Essay | Study Coach UK

The Study Coach essay example is to help students generate ideas, to help students write essays. The ideas presented are not mean’t to be simply copied and presented as students’ own work. For nursing students, studying, submitting assignments and working on placement in a care setting can be challenging, lack of time can act as a stressor. We sympathise with nursing students and other students with a similar workload but at the same time we don’t approve of using essay mills to produce essays. The aim of undertaking a degree is to learn new skills, writing your own assignments is part of the learning journey, in fact it is an essential part of the journey. The focus of this blog is to help guide nursing students with essay writing, we have chosen to focus on the topic of mental health nursing. We take a general approach to the topic in order for students to see how they can transfer the information to other essay issues. Do bear in mind that it is always crucial to pay close attention to the learning outcomes and assessment criteria, copying and pasting without closely referring to the assessment criteria is therefore never a good idea.  

Assessment Criteria 

The assessment criteria, sometimes referred to as learning outcomes are clearly important when structuring an essay. The criteria provide learners with guidance of what they will need to do in order to produce a good standard of work. Students are advised to read the criteria and accompanied guidance first before starting to plan an essay. It stands to reason, if you don’t know what you need to satisfy, then you won’t be able to effectively plan an essay. When reading the assessment criteria it is also crucial to look at the marking scheme for the assignment and ensure that you have an understanding of the definition of descriptive work and what is mean’t by discursive work. Descriptive work indicates lower level learning, students should aim to become discursive when writing essays. Study Coach UK online tutoring, is here to support learners to become the best that they can be, learning can be a lonely experience, so we are here to accompany and guide students. Let’s now turn our attention to the essay question of what is the role of the Mental Health Nurse. 

Essay Writing Example Mental Health Nurse  

What is the difference between a Mental Health Nurse and a Psychiatric Nurse? Do they in fact do the same job? These questions should be of interest to current nursing students and to those contemplating a nursing career; it is good to have an insight into all areas of nursing, particularly in view of multi-disciplinary teamwork. The role of the Mental Health Nurse is specific and does differ from psychiatric nursing. In all areas of nursing therapeutic care is important and so values must be considered, mental health is usually associated with behavioural issues, so some of the challenges nursing staff are likely to encounter in their day-to-day work should also be considered.  

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Role of the Mental Health Nurse 

It is good to have an insight into other areas of nursing, particularly if you work in a multi-disciplinary team; to be informed of other health professional roles will be advantageous to your own practice. Most people operating outside of nursing will be aware of the term ‘mental health nursing’ and if asked to describe the work of the mental health nurse, they are likely to say the following: The Mental Health Nurse works as part of a team; the nurse collaborate with psychiatrists and doctors; the nurse assist patients to take their medications and help patients with grooming and dressing; the mental health nurse is involved with the patient’s care plan. 

Some respondents might say that: ‘the mental health nurse deliver different therapies to the patient and their families and the nurse prescribes psychiatric drugs for patients’ (this last statement is a cause for concern, it is problematic and requires a discussion).

Multiple Roles 

In regard to the above description of the role carried out by the Mental Health Nurse, it is correct to say that the Mental Health Nurse does work in a team and collaborate with psychiatrists and doctors and with other professionals. The mental health nurse therefore takes on a supportive role to assist the psychiatrists and doctors. It is also accurate to say that the mental health nurse helps patients to take their medication and assist patients with grooming and dressing, and will follow the care plan as designed for the individual patient. The nurse will also be involved with the patient’s psychiatric history and will note that psychiatric history is structured differently to medical history.

The suggestion that the mental health nurse delivers therapies and prescribe psychiatric drugs would however be incorrect. The mental health nurse is not a psychiatrist, psychologist nor therapist. The mental health nurse is not qualified to prescribe psychiatric drugs, though it must be said that some Mental Health degree holders, may have undertaken supplementary training to deliver different therapies or even to prescribe psychiatric drugs. It could be argued that these mental health degree holders have made a transition into another area of nursing and should not be identified as mental health nurses. Prescribing psychiatric drugs is considered to be the role of the psychiatrist or alternatively the role of the psychiatrist nurse. Cutcliffe and Ward (2006) states that there are differences between the terms ‘mental health nursing’ and ‘psychiatric nursing’; therefore there is a clear distinction between the role of the mental health nurse and the psychiatrist nurse. 

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Excellent Essay Grade       

Historically, the concept of the mental health nurse was created by physicians to provide doctors with support in caring for people who were confined to asylums. Over the years’ it does however seem that the mental health nurse has become somewhat dissatisfied with their level of professionalism and they are seeking a new professional identity. However, there appears to be a problem, as highlighted by Barker and Buchanan-Barker (2011); the problem highlighted is that the mental health nursing role has not greatly changed since its conception. 

If the mental health nurse is to raise their level of professionalism then they would need to provide evidence of the value that they bring to mental health nursing. The suggestion is that mental health nurses’ would need to show that they are providing an added service that is not already being delivered by the psychiatrist; psychologist; therapist or social worker. In writing an essay on the topic of mental health nursing, the idea is not to negate the work of the nurse, simply to show the limitations of the nurses role, when compared to the role of other professionals. It is worth pointing out that though the mental health nurse is not a psychiatrist or a doctor nor a psychologist, the health system would collapse if there were no mental health nurses to support mental health patients.

We can therefore acknowledge that the mental health nursing role covers a broad spectrum of roles, responsibilities and practices, and these are defined by the respective institutions and policies of the day, therefore there are difficulties with providing a simple definition of the mental health nursing role. Meaning that roles will vary depending on institutions and practices. In order to achieve an excellent essay grade students should highlight the varying roles carried out by the nurse and consider institutional practices. 

Essay Writing Example – Mental Health Nurse Role

The Mental Health nurse’s prime function is to keep people and others safe; the nurse supports medical treatment in a hospital setting and help to manage the physical and social environment; the nurse helps people who are mentally ill to become mentally healthy. 

Mental health nursing suggests that there is focus on health promotion, where the nurse takes a holistic approach to his/her work, and that approach is guided by evidence. It is not just the patient that the nurse will need to build good relationships with, it is also with the patient’s family. The nurse will help individuals and their families to find ways to cope and to help people to explore opportunities for recovery and personal growth, and this is achieved through the medium of a therapeutic relationship. 

Essay Writing – Nursing & Compassionate Care

The nurse will operate within nursing values; meaning to treat patients as persons, considering their needs and interests and to provide people with dignity and worth. The mental health nurse should therefore develop a therapeutic relationship that is respectful of the individuals’ choices and circumstances. This involves building on the patient’s strengths in order to promote their recovery. Therefore in line with nursing principles the mental health nurse should provide compassionate support (Barker, 2000). In your essay you could argue that the need for compassionate care should never be underestimated when caring for mental health patients. Mosher (2004) says, compassionate caring, without the use of psychiatric drugs, can help people grow and develop even for those with illnesses such as schizophrenia.  

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Role of Mental Health Nurse Essay – Challenges

We have already established that the nurse should be on hand to give assistance to patients to take their medications and help patients with grooming and dressing. Prior to offering drugs it is important for the mental health nurse to provide patients with a full explanation of any risks; failure to explain risks to patients would be dishonest, unethical and illegal. Forcing patients to take medication is against the principles of nursing; furthermore the use of any coercive or constraining practices such as control and restraint or seclusion is not holistic practice. 

If a mental health nurse is asked to assist in coercive practices, then this should cause some problems for the nurse, since this task would fall outside of the nursing role. The nurse could also have a legal case brought against him/her, for forcing a patient against his will. The nurse should always keep in mind that the purpose of nursing is to help people live their lives in the way the patient sees fit, even if the patient is deemed to have irrational thinking. 

Study Coach Online Tutoring 

Study Coach delivers academic support to University and College students Online, our system is very effective. We understand the academic needs of mature learners who are returning to education, some learners may have had many years outside of education, as a consequence learners may be experiencing heighten anxiety. If English is a second language for mature learners then there can be further challenges to overcome. Study Coach staff have many years experience working with diverse groups of learners, we understand issues that can arise for those with English as a second language. 

Proof Reading Assignments 

Here at Study Coach we carry out a number of different services, some students may refer to the service as private tutoring online, essay feedback service, essay marking service, academic support service, coaching, mentoring, proof-reading service. All services are delivered online and via emails, texts and telephone discussions.

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Study Coach is led by Morel Benard and a team of qualified and experienced markers. Morel’s qualifications are as follows: MSc, MA, LLB (Honours), BSc (Honours), PGCE, IQA, D32/33.  

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