Free Books, Love & Romance, Detective Tales, English Literature on Study Coach UK Youtube
BookLovers welcome to storytelling on Study Coach UK channel on Youtube. Books are selected for your entertainment. You will find books to help you relax, you will find books to evoke thoughts and to stimulate feelings. You can access the audiobooks when out and about or when at home. Study Coach UK Youtube channel presents a range of good English Literature, visitors to the channel will find: detective stories, romantic tales, science-fiction, and other books in the playlist. Study Coach UK storytelling channel is Free to access whenever it is convenient for the subscriber.
Study Coach UK channel on Youtube
Subscription to Study Coach UK channel is Free. Please Subscribe to the channel, and turn on the notification bell, so you can receive notification when a new story or episode of a story is uploaded. The Study Coach UK channel can be found at:
Narrator/Storyteller: Morel Benard
The storyteller/narrator at Study Coach UK storytelling channel on Youtube is Morel Benard. Morel has acting experience on film (Fatal Sky), stage and radio.
Stories and Storytelling
Storytelling is an art, the skilled storyteller will bring words alive, and raise listeners emotional intelligence. The Storyteller can recount many wonderful stories, for example, mythical stories, passed down through the ages. Sometimes stories have been adapted, embellished, but yet they live on. Stories about Anancy, the cunning spider or stories about pirates has captivated young minds for decades. Love stories, romance, true-life stories, detective tales, are providing both entertainment and education for adults.
Reading Books, BookLovers
Love among the Haystacks, Lady Chatterly’s Lover by D. H. Lawrence, can be found in the Playlist. Love Among the Haystacks is a relative short story, set on a farm in England. It is the story of two brothers transitioning from boyhood to manhood and experiencing love and lovemaking, there is rivalry, jealousy, but also brotherly love, as two brothers eventually find their own love interest.
Lady Chatterly’s Lover tells the story of Lady Chatterly, her husband (Lord Chatterly, who is crippled) and the servant gamekeeper. You will find the story in the Study Coach UK YouTube playlist. Lady Chatterly’s Lover is a raunchy story, it was deemed to be scandalous at the time of its first publication, the story is set in the north of England and it considers issues such as social class, politics, social life.
Big Brother, 1984
1984 is a long read, and it is our pleasure, here at Study Coach UK channel to do the reading for you. The book is presented in episodes, it is narrated by Morel Benard and you will find the episodes in the Playlist. When you visit the playlist look for the title: 1984 Big Brother, New World Order. 1984, is a thought provoking book. The story is set in London, England, the ideas presented in the book, could leave you thinking whether the ideas are now being implemented in our present lives. Do listen to the story and critically appraise the ideas.
Study Coach UK – Storytelling on YouTube
Study Coach is certainly making the most of Youtube audio facilities. Listen to a Study Coach UK story as you take a walk, go for a drive, go to the gym, or simply listen when relaxing. Storytelling can also benefit adults when recovering in hospital or when at home. Senior citizens residing in a care home or at home can derive enjoyment from listening to Study Coach UK storytelling. Listening to stories can enhance listening and learning skills.
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Narrator/Storyteller: Morel Benard
The Study Coach UK YouTube channel page: