Girls & Boys T-Shirts to Motivate Careers| Study Coach UK & Amazon
T-Shirts to educate and motivate girls and boys, to raise educational performance, create a strong mindset and raise career aspirations are available from Study Coach UK, see T-Shirt Collection gifts for Boys & Girls – Amazon | Study Coach UK
What do you want to be when you’re grown? This is a simple question, but for many of us it can take a life time before we figure out and start to plan our career pathway. Study Coach UK has launched its Career T-Shirt Collection to help young minds think about the future and become more knowledgeable about careers. The T-Shirts will help to support Moms and Dads, families and carers to nurture children and to guide children’s development.
Let’s imagine that from your observations you see that Lovely Child 1 is always interested in reading about experiments and that the child will often create experiments, this could indicate that you have a budding scientist in the family. You could introduce the child to the idea of becoming a Scientist and facilitate your child’s interest in science by gifting the child a ‘Trainee Scientist in Lab’ T-Shirt. Wearing the T-Shirt will help the child to develop a connection to the world of science, motivate the child to research issues surrounding science and help the child to visualise being grown and working as a Scientist in a laboratory or in other settings.
Lovely Child 2 might show an interest in becoming a Trainee Chef or a Trainee Doctor or a Trainee Hairdresser. Lovely Child 3 might show an interest in going into business and becoming a Trainee Entrepreneur. We believe in encouraging children to explore ideas and to be the best that they can be. The mission behind the T-Shirts is to also reinforce and educate that all careers have value and that one should feel equally proud to be a Tree Surgeon or a Medical Surgeon. Study Coach’s T-Shirt Collection aims to provide inspiration and help young people to make connections between their academic studies and preparation for the world of work.

T-Shirts are also designed to motivate young people to develop a positive mind-set. Our social world can create a lot of negativity, leading young people to question their value, self-worth and ability to achieve. The school system can also place limitations on young lives and as a result sow seeds of doubt and create blocked goals for young people. In order to help address these issues T-Shirts are designed to promote positivity, to remind young people that they all have the potential to achieve, irrespective of their social or cultural background.
Study Coach is realistic about aspirations, but is firmly of the belief that if children and young people are supported they will grow in confidence and can realise their potential.
Study Coach UK T-Shirts at Amazon Merch
T-Shirt messages are printed on 100% cotton and other comfortable fabrics, strong and yet soft; the T-Shirt will maintain shape and fit after many washes, durability and comfort of a product is very important to us. See for more information about the products Career T-Shirt Collection gifts for Boys & Girls – Amazon | Study Coach UK
Products are available at amazon uk marketplace, shipping to your destination, wherever you are in the world is however easily arranged. In due course additional amazon marketplace will be added for your convenience.
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