Help with Essay Writing, Dissertation Writing for University

It is permitted to ask for help to improve essay writing for college and university. Study Coach UK is here to support students here in the UK and abroad. Asking for Essay Help in UK is permitted, essay help is different to asking an essay mill to write essays (using the service of an essay mill to write your essay is unethical and is clearly not good practice). Study Coach UK is not an essay mill. Study Coach is here to support students with their learning journey, to help students raise essay grades, students will receive professional feedback from Study Coach UK. Study Coach provide students with feedback to help students write their dissertation, and essay help to raise discursive writing. Feedback is delivered online by experienced and qualified Study Coach staff, to help students achieve academic success. If you need essay help in UK or outside of the UK, then get in touch. 

Website to help with Essay Writing 

Study Coach’s website to help with essay writing is supported with coaching via telephone and texts. When you have drafted the assignment or partially made a draft, simply submit the work to Study Coach via a Word document attachment email. We will acknowledge your email and supporting documents and give an indication of when the work will be returned to you. You can send the work to us overnight and make a payment, you will find further information on our website in regard to how the system works and how to make a payment. Read more about our services on the website to help with essay writing. If you want to have a chat (this is recommended) please phone between office hours. It is good to have a chat, so that we can understand the challenges you are facing, address learning needs, and it gives students the opportunity to check out Study Coach’s credibility.  University and College students are allowed to get academic support from educational services, the main issue is for students to ensure that their chosen educational service provider is delivering an ethical service. Here at Study Coach we do ask students not to request unethical services, this can lead to causing offence.  Check the website to help with essay writing for the services provided. 

Help with Essays Assignments 

Writing a college or university essay can pose challenges for students. The main reason why students become anxious is primarily due to the fact that passing exams and assignments can have a direct impact on a student’s future. It is therefore not surprising that students will reach out to others saying: ‘I need help with essay writing’.  A graded essay is likely to lead to students becoming stressed and in need of support. It is okay  to seek help with academic assignments, what is not okay is to ask someone to write the essay for you. I need help with essay writing should not be rephrased to ‘write the essay for me’. To instruct an essay writing service to write the essay for you is clearly against University/College rules and it should be clearly against students’ own values and principles. Lecturers are there to provide you with feedback on your essay prior to submitting the work for marking. Study Coach is aware that many lecturers have a heavy workload and as a consequence students don’t always receive the required support from their respective University, hence Study Coach is online to support students who need help with essay writing.   

Essay Writing Tips  

First year students, coming from completing ‘A’ levels or mature students coming from an Access course, can sometimes need support to understand concepts. Students might need help with essay writing tips. When preparing to write an essay a writing tip is to make a conscious effort to understand key conceptual ideas associated to your assignment. In respect of assignments concepts are terms, usually linked to a particular theory, the theorist (researcher) gives us the meaning and our job is to understand the concept and to appraise.  For example, the essay might require students to critically assess the relationship between the following concepts: accommodation, assimilation and intrinsic motivation. If you don’t understand the concepts because you missed the College/University lecture, or you didn’t do the reading, then you will need to seek understanding before you start planning the essay.  It is good to read essay writing tips, but it is also fundamental to understand the tips.   


If you simply don’t know what to write, the chances are that you don’t fully understand the theoretical concepts stated in the assignment brief. If this is the case then you will no doubt start searching the internet for a document to explain the concept(s) in simple terms.  From my experience, students’ sometimes will even try referring to the ordinary English dictionary to find an explanation for an academic concept (I would not recommend this).  Remember that it is the theorist who will give the theoretical concept meaning, the ordinary English dictionary will give you a definition of the term accommodation, but it won’t be the same definition as given by the theorist (in this case the theorist is Piaget).   

Help with dissertation writing UK

If planning to do Primary research you will need to create a title, make the title specific and focus on the aim of the research. Study Coach provides help with dissertation writing. In order to do well, students must ensure that the research aim and objectives, and issues surrounding methodology are well considered. It is advisable to read recommended research methodology books prior to thinking about the research proposal. Reading the books will help to reinforce why it is important to pay close attention to research concepts, to understand the importance of sampling, ethics and other research issues.  Do also consult with a good Study Skills book, to help you with issues such as planning and time management.  Take a look at sub-headings in books to identify content on how to plan a research proposal or write the dissertation.  Study Coach provides help with dissertation writing and help with research projects. 

Evidence Based Practice – Help with Essay Writing for University 

Finding relevant evidence is key when writing an essay, students need to identify and understand relevant literature on the essay topic, and to identify key issues. For example, if writing about anorexia/bulimia and the nurses role, you will need to locate research evidence on the actual disease and find research on the nurses role.  To ignore to research the nurses’ role in caring for the anorexic/bulimic patient, is likely to lead to a failed essay.  Academic arguments should be supported with relevant evidence, and to ensure that university learning outcomes are met. Study Coach takes pleasure in helping students with writing essays at university. The help/support given to students is ethical, Study Coach is not an essay mill. Students must draft their own work.   

Get Help with Essay Writing

Students sometimes ask the question ‘What can help me write an essay?’ Many things can help to write an essay for college, but the college or university assessment criteria is a good starting point to help students to write an essay. Students should focus on the assessment criteria, if University guidance states that you need to discuss patients’ experiences of the illness, and to consider client-centred care, then locate evidence to shed light on patients experiences, this is likely to be qualitative evidence.  Appraise care plans in order to help patients and consider working with a multi-disciplinary team, and how the team will ensure to deliver client-centred care. Writing the essay in order to achieve high grades will therefore require students to locate research evidence that is current and relevant to practice.  Evidence, and what is referred to as evidence based practice will certainly help students to write an essay for college or university. 

Tutor to Help with Essay Writing

Furthermore, students need to understand that the purpose of the essay introduction is to set the scene, students need to tell readers the aims and objectives of the essay, theories, models to be relied on, ethical consideration if required and to explain to readers (markers) how the essay will be presented. Study Coach will help students to make sense of the process, so students can make connections between what is said in the introduction and what will be discussed/analysed in the body of the essay and ultimately lead to recommendations and a conclusion. In helping students with essay writing Study Coach will provide detail feedback and we are available to discuss essay issues via our telephone calls, our aim is to empower students, so that students will develop independent thinking skills.  Critical thinking skills are crucial when writing essays, they will certainly help to write an essay. Second or third year students working on reducing descriptive writing following feedback from University tutors should take note and improve the discursive content of essays. Study Coach Tutor is here to help with essay writing, so feel free to discuss your learning issues with us and get help with essay writing.  

How to write a Critical Thinking Essay 

A discursive essay and a critical thinking essay have much in common, in order to raise a discussion we must learn to think critically. Try to read widely and implement helpful essay writing tips to find the best way for how you can approach essay writing. Your friends might approach essay writing differently, find the best approach for you. Critical thinking skills assumes abilities in a range of skills such as categorising, selection and differentiation.  An academic essay requires students to slow down their processing of information in order to assess research, analyse the methodologies used to identify flaws in the way we arrive at a conclusion. Critical skills include the ability to spot assumptions, identify inconsistencies, errors and merits of research arguments. Higher level critical thinking skills usually requires a combination of skills and attitudes, critical thinking skills will enable students to decide on a number of issues, for example: whether information included in a piece of published research is relevant to the research question and whether chosen methodologies are appropriate for answering research questions.    

How to approach Essay Writing

In writing and presenting the essay, your ideas should be clear to the reader and ideas should be suitably linked. Paragraphs should therefore be well structured and the style of writing should be in keeping with academic writing style, meaning that self-expression is not too chatty or flippant. Essay writing should be clear, ensure that there is nothing for readers to find confusing, technical vocabulary should be used correctly, and with minimal reliance on researchers’ words. If there is too much reliance on researchers’ words remember that students run the risk of falling foul of plagiarism. 


 You can contact Study Coach via phone, text, email to discuss your assignment.  Telephone number is: 07944 849271, email: 

Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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