Help with Essay Writing, Dissertation Writing | Study Coach UK

Improve essay writing and raise essay grades with feedback from Study Coach UK. Study Coach will provide you with feedback to help you write your dissertation or essay. Feedback is delivered online by experienced and qualified Study Coach staff, to help you achieve academic success. You can contact Study Coach via phone, text, email to discuss your assignment. 

Essay Writing

Writing a college or university essay can pose challenges for students. The main reason why students become anxious is primarily due to the fact that passing exams and assignments can have a direct impact on a student’s future. A graded essay is likely to lead to students becoming stressed and in need of support. It is okay  to seek help with academic assignments, what is not okay is to ask someone to write the essay for you. To instruct an essay writing service to write the essay for you is clearly against University/College rules and it should be clearly against students’ own values and principles. Lecturers are there to provide you with feedback on your essay prior to submitting the work for marking. Study Coach is aware that many lecturers have a heavy workload and as a consequence students don’t always receive the required support from their respective University, hence Study Coach is online to support students.   

Support from Study Coach

Study Coach is here to support all learners,  it matters not whether you are enrolled full-time at a brick and mortar establishment, studying part-time or studying via distance learning 

Nursing Student 

We specialise in Social Sciences, Arts, Health subjects. If you’re a mature student studying Nursing, Health and Social Care, you will be pleased to know that over the years we have supported students with their degree. Study Coach is aware of the challenges that mature learners may encounter in returning to education and not only do we provide online academic support with assignments but we also provide pastoral support.  Students studying for an Access Diploma are also welcomed (Access to Nursing and Midwifery, Social Work, Humanities).    

Essay Feedback Service 

Academic essay writing including writing a Reflective essay is clearly quite different to general writing, as previously stated when students draft  assignments they need to do so in line with the assignment criteria and other university guidelines. In order for students to improve their chances of passing assignments and achieving high scores it is recommended to consult with your University tutor or an external tutor (Study Coach). The purpose of the consultation is to gauge the standard of your draft assignment; to have someone look over the essay for you and to provide constructive feedback. 

University Level Essay

In order to produce a University standard essay, students must take note of the assignment learning outcomes, note the suggested structure for the essay and consider the guidelines. For example, you might receive guidance to use  particular search databases, highlight key words, use a number of peer reviewed studies and sources of evidence.  At university level it is important to ensure that you’re writing more discursive/analytical content than descriptive work. In order to produce a good/excellent standard essay, students will need to learn how to analyse research and develop discursive skills. Study Coach is here to support students with raising discussions and applying relevant concepts.

Academic Support

Study Coach support students to understand the essay title, support students to identify relevant research evidence and support students to critique the structure of their work, delete repetition and inappropriate content, proofread, guide students on whether they should be writing in the first or third person according to guidelines, raise application and discursive skills and generally improve Study Skills. 

How to Submit your Essay for Feedback 

Submitting your essay to Study Coach is as easy as ABC. Simply send the essay via an email attachment, please don’t place the essay in the email itself, please use attachment. We suggest that students should also phone Study Coach to discuss the essay when drafting the work (there is no charge for the telephone consultation). It is also advisable to inform Study Coach of your assessment criteria/learning outcomes and University deadline date. Once you have submitted the essay draft to Study Coach via an email attachment, you will then proceed to make an online payment. 

Academic Support

Go to the Academic Support landing page at and click ‘Purchase Academic Support for an Assignment or Purchase Academic Support for a Dissertation or Research Project’ and check out the fees. You will find that support for a 3,000 word essay is only 30.00 and this fee is unchanged for the academic year 2021 – 2022. 

Morel Benard at Study Coach UK

Study Coach is led by Morel Benard is experienced in marking assignments, having worked at higher and further education as a lecturer. Morel’s qualifications are as follows: MSc Educational Leadership; MA Criminology; LLB Honours (Law); BSc Honours (Psychology); PGCE; IQA.   


You can access Study Coach service from anywhere and submit your draft work overnight. To find out more about our Essay Writing Feedback Service and other online academic support services, call Morel Benard on 07944 849271 or email 

Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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