Help with Essay Writing, Dissertation Writing | Study Coach
Study Coach academic service is online to support students at college and university to raise their grades. Students will need to submit their draft essay or dissertation to Study Coach online, please note that Study Coach is not an essay mill. Students need to submit a draft work to receive professional feedback in order to improve the assignment. Morel Benard at Study Coach is a qualified and experienced lecturer. It is advisable to phone Study Coach to have a chat, there is no cost for the chat, the telephone number is: 07944 849271.
If you are a mature student studying for a degree, such as Adult Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Physiotherapy, Youth Justice, Social Work, Education, Criminology, Public Health, Social Care, Study Coach is experienced in these areas. If English is not your first language, don’t worry (be happy). Simply get in touch.
Essay Writing/Study Tip
I want to give you a tip about writing essays, the advice could also be relevant to non-students producing documentation for work, or for own business. Here is the study tip: when we write, we will need to use both descriptive and discursive content, the problem is that often students in particular will focus too much on giving a description an explanation of concepts but spend insufficient time discussing the concept. It could well be that time is not the problem, instead it could be that students find it difficult to know what to say. To overcome the problem, my suggestion is that students (the writer) need to raise some points. Learn to mentally think and create some questions and then offer a written answer to the question(s) posed.
Let me give you an example: Let’s say that a researcher says that fear is preventing people from being successful and you want to use the quote. Well, firstly, you type-up the quote (that is the descriptive work). Afterwards, you need to do some thinking or do the thinking before you choose to use the quote. What you could say afterwards is that though Blogs (2019) states that that there is a link between fear and achieving success, it is also possible that being fearless is no guarantee that success will follow, there are other issues that needs to be considered. A good marketing strategy might be a better indicator as to whether the business person will be successful, if the marketing strategy is poor then it is likely to lead to lack of success. You could go on to argue that a good marketing strategy is not the only criteria to achieve success there are other factors for consideration and these will be considered further in the report/essay/document.
Try not to stress unduly about essay and dissertation writing, stress can lead to greater psychological issues. To manage stress, Study Coach suggest that you identify a stress management technique that will work for you. Implement the technique and be consistent in order to achieve good results. How we perceive situations can impact on our propensity to develop stress, let me give you an example:
Stress Example/Scenario
Imagine that we’re walking down the road and we come across 50 – 60 men, all walking very briskly, looking extremely serious. On first seeing the crowd of serious looking men, we might believe that they are marching, going to fight some battle, but then we might notice that they are all wearing the same coloured scarf and that the word ‘football’ is printed on the scarf, because we have a concept of ‘football’ then we no longer feel threatened by the men. If we support that particular football team, we might smile and say hello to the men. However from an INDIVIDUAL level if we have no concept about ‘football’ (imagine that this scene took place years ago, before the advent of television, computers, social media and we are new to the country and where we are coming from, meaning our mother country, we don’t play football, you’ve never heard of football) then in this case we might actually remain with the belief that the men are going to fight a battle. We might even feel threatened and start to fear that the men will attack us – all because of what we PERCEIVE. So don’t stress for no reason, read the assignment guidelines, find out what is required, before plundering into panic mode and remember that Study Coach is at hand to support you.
Essay Writing/Academic Service
Study Coach support students to understand the essay title, support students to identify relevant research evidence and support students to critique the structure of their work, delete repetition and inappropriate content, proofread, guide students on whether they should be writing in the first or third person according to guidelines, raise application and discursive skills and generally improve Study Skills.
How to Submit your Essay for Feedback
Submitting your essay to Study Coach is as easy as ABC. Simply send the essay via an email attachment, please don’t place the essay in the email itself, please use attachment. We suggest that students should also phone Study Coach to discuss the essay when drafting the work (there is no charge for the telephone consultation). It is also advisable to inform Study Coach of your assessment criteria/learning outcomes and University deadline date. Once you have submitted the essay draft to Study Coach via an email attachment, you will then proceed to make an online payment.
Contact Study Coach
You will find details about payment and mode of payment on the website, the following telephone number is on the website: 07944 849271 or send an email to