Home Schooling Lesson Plan Ideas | Study Coach UK
Self Isolation can be stressful and if you have to Home School children because schools are closed you will have to act as Parent/Teacher and this could create added stress. Study Coach UK is here to help, there is no charge, it’s all free and you can adapt the ideas to suit learners needs.
I know you didn’t set out to be a teacher but never mind, some things get thrust upon us and we either choose to run away from it or we embrace the challenge. Given the current situation we can’t run away from home so we will have to put on our teacher’s hat and do the best that we can. You never know it might lead to a change of career (teaching) or it might enhance your presentation skills and prove useful when you return to public life.
In order to plan teaching and learning, teachers will create a Scheme of Work and Lesson Plans.
A Lesson Plan is basically a written plan setting out the lesson:
- OBJECTIVES (Learning Outcomes/Intentions)
Planning a lesson clearly helps to provide a direction for teaching and learning and acts as a reminder of what you are trying to achieve. Lesson plans support teachers to reflect on previous learning, embed learning, set targets and facilitate learners to progress.
Lesson Aims should be clear statements to describe what you as teacher hope to achieve. The statements of what you intend to do should be expressed in a broad sense, aims are general statements of intent.
Ask yourself the following question: What do I want to achieve for my child or What do I want my child to achieve?
The aim of this lesson is to encourage Lovely Child to know the difference between Skills and Qualities.
Lovely Child will:
- Give a written definition of Skills and Personal Qualities.
- Be able to give 6 examples of own skills and 6 qualities.
- Instruct the child to give a written definition of skills and of qualities (learners can use the dictionary, available books or internet)
- Make two columns on writing paper, one column headed skills and the other qualities and in view of the definition they should write 4 of their best skills and 4 of their best qualities.
- Ask the learner to explain to you how and when they learnt the skills and qualities (verbal interaction, could develop into an interesting discussion in respect of innate qualities).
- Afterwards get the child to choose their favourite celebrity (decision making skills)
- Instruct the child to create a Fact File about the chosen celebrity (use the internet to find information – the learner should write notes about the celebrity personal details, place of birth, nationality, date of birth, siblings and so on BUT the focus is to find evidence about skills and qualities.
- Get the learner to draw 2 extra columns on the paper and note 4 of the celebrity’s skills and 4 qualities
- The learner could design a poster on skills and qualities based on their own skills and qualities and the celebrity
- Later in the evening after dinner the learner could give a Skills and Qualities Presentation to the family.
Study Coach is Online, UK based (Luton, Bedfordshire). Morel Benard is the lead consultant and she is qualified and experienced in delivering teaching and learning. Study Coach UK creates some downloadable teaching and learning Products and Resources for Homeschooling. Morel has teaching qualifications: PGCE www.gre.ac.uk Assessor D32/33, IQA. Morel has teaching experience at Higher, Further and Secondary Education, see undergraduate and post-graduate credentials in previous blog posts and on Study Coach UK ‘About’ page.
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If you would like to purchase a copy of Morel Benard’s book ‘How to Stop a Workplace Bully’ it is available at Amazon, please see the following link: https://amzn.to/2GlJNka
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