Homeschooling Resources, Lesson Planning & Stories for Children

Education begins at home and Homeschooling whether on a full-time basis, or to supplement school education is a great way to ensure your child gets a good start in life. Study Coach is here to support parents with homeschooling and with general home education. Parents can choose to enlist tutorial services to help with all aspects of homeschooling, but parents should also realise that teaching skills are learnt, and therefore parents can develop these skills. Study Coach is here to support parents to acquire teaching skills, do take a look at the Home Schooling page on the Study Coach website. 

Quality Home Education:

In respect of Homeschooling in the UK, Study Coach is aware that homeschooling parents are concerned that a School Bill is making its way through Parliament, and the introduction of a new law could lead to unwelcome changes to homeschooling. We hope to give updates, but also want to reassure homeschooling parents that any new rulings can be challenged. Parents can introduce measures into their homeschooling programme to satisfy Local Authorities. Study Coach Homeschooling Teaching Skills pdf workbook offers parents valuable teaching skills. If your HomeSchooling schedule is to be scrutinised by educational agencies in your part of the world (wherever you are) you will find the Study Coach teaching skills pdf to be of great value, see Study Coach ‘Home Schooling’ landing page. 

Link to the 3 Essential Teaching Skills to Homeschooling pdf: 

You will find details of Study Coach’s pdf Teaching Steps for Homeschooling on the website. The Homeschooling Teaching Steps workbook is created to inform, give knowledge and offer examples to support parents with educating their children. If your children are attending school and you provide additional education at home, then you will also find the teaching skills information and guidance of help. Here is a link to the pdf:


Stories for Children: 

Study Coach is led by Morel Benard. Morel is an experienced and qualified educator, she appreciates the world of academia, as well as the artistic world. Storytelling is a great way to engage children in education, Study Coach therefore offers Stories for Children. Parents can incorporate the stories in their Homeschooling curriculum and also use to entertain children after school. The stories are narrated by Morel and uploaded to the Study Coach podcast (it is FREE to access Study Coach podcast). 

Link for Stories for Children via Study Coach podcast: 

As stated the Study Coach podcast is Free to access (no money involved).  You will find Study Coach podcast on most major podcast platforms, such as: Apple, Spotify, Buzz-sprout. Study Coach podcast is delivered once a week, you can arrange to receive notification when a new episode is uploaded. Please Subscribe to Study Coach podcast, so we can build a community, subscription is Free.

Here is an Apple link and a Buzzsprout link for the podcast:

Homeschooling Near Me: 

It is great to have someone down the road or up the road to help with homeschooling, someone nearby who is at hand is good. The alternative is to have someone who is one click away from you. Yes, online communication can be as effective as someone who lives in your locality. Study Coach is online and is available wherever you are in the world and can receive internet connection. The Homeschooling Teaching Skills pdf can be downloaded day or night and the Free stories delivered via podcast is also accessible day or night. 

Homeschool Mom

There are many reasons why parents choose to home school their children, bullying at school, inadequate schools, negative school environment, exam pressure creating stress for children, the school cannot meet children’s needs, safety fears, health fears, are some reasons why parents educate their children at home. When removing children from the school system in the UK, parents should heed a word of warning and that is to make sure the local authority has been informed. Parents in the USA should ensure that they are familiar with the home schooling laws in their respective state, laws governing homeschooling do differ. In some countries homeschooling is outlawed, and in some countries girls must stay at home. Study Coach stories and learning tasks is a great way to provide some education in cases where children must stay at home. 

Homeschool Curriculum:

The type of Home School curriculum applied will depend on the laws governing homeschooling. In some cases parents must enrol with a recommended external service, and in other cases parents can construct their own curriculum. Parents need to be informed and keep updated with the rules/laws governing homeschooling, sometimes parents are wrongly informed and are led to believe that they must follow a prescribed curriculum. Study Coach’s advice is to stay current and stay informed in respect of homeschooling rights and responsibilities. 

Homeschool Planning: 

Planning for the new academic teaching and learning year is important, a good plan will help parents to ensure that learners can make connections between previous and new learning. A good plan will enable learners to make connections between different subjects, and to understand the relationship between subjects, this will help make the teaching and learning experience successful for the child and parent.  

Homeschooling Lessons:

Homeschooling lessons are not limited to the home, parents can deliver lessons whilst shopping, having lunch in a restaurant, watching tennis, gardening, travelling (the list is virtually endless). Lessons will however need an aim and objective, so that parents can track and identify that learning is taking place. The pdf workbook does explain, lesson aims and objectives. 

Homeschool and Social Skills: 

There is an argument that Homeschooling hinders the development of social skills, since homeschooling learners won’t experience interacting with a class of children. The perception is that a class of 30 children attending mainstream school will all interact with each other; this is not the case. Children attending school have a tendency to limit their interaction with a small group of friends. Homeschooling children can also meet with a small group of other children who are homeschooling, this initiative being organised by respective parents. 

Home Schooling pdf

To summarise if you have decided to do HomeSchooling, Study Coach UK is here to support you to understand essential teaching skills. Study Coach is here to help parents create effective lesson aims, lesson objectives, lesson content, lesson plans, teaching and learning resources. If your HomeSchooling schedule is to be scrutinised by educational agencies you will find the Study Coach teaching skills pdf to be of great value. Study Coach UK starts with the assumption that the majority of parents who are HomeSchooling are not qualified teachers, and based on this assumption, parents will appreciate receiving some teaching skills support, to make teaching and learning effective and enjoyable. The Teaching Skills pdf workbook consists of 17 pages, it is filled with information, examples, ideas on teaching skills, to support parents and carers who are HomeSchooling. The teaching skills and examples are not restricted to any particular culture, you might be in South Africa, USA, South America, it matters not. The pdf workbook is downloadable from the Study Coach website. See the landing page entitled ‘Home Schooling’.

Stories for Homeschooling 

To further help parents with Homeschooling, Study Coach Podcast presents Free weekly stories or continuation of stories to support parents with Homeschooling. At this present time of writing, the latest story is The Elephant’s Child, written by Rudyard Kipling, and narrated by Morel Benard (me). Parents can incorporate the stories into their Homeschooling curriculum; parents can play the stories when taking a drive, so as to keep children engaged and entertained. Each story episode is accompanied by learning tasks created by Study Coach, for learners to complete.   


Please feel free to contact Study Coach, it would be great to hear from you. Please Subscribe to Study Coach podcast, there is no cost involved, the stories and the podcast show is accessible with no cost. Please Subscribe, much appreciated. 

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