Homeschooling Teaching Skills pdf, Stories via Podcast for Homeschoolers

The number of children in Home Schooling (Home Education) in the USA, UK and other parts of the world is growing; social changes has certainly impacted on the up-take of Homeschooling across the globe. Study Coach would like to help parents to gain the confidence to Homeschool, and we therefore offer parents a Teaching Skills pdf Workbook, and furthermore Study Coach presents a weekly podcast narrating stories for children. I will explain more about the pdf and stories in this little blog. Here is a link to the pdf:

Homeschool Mom

There are a number of reasons why parents choose to home school their children, inadequate schools, negative/bullying school environment, exam pressure creating stress for children, the school cannot meet children’s needs, health fears, safety fears, and new social rules are some reasons why parents educate their children at home. When removing children from the school system in the UK, parents should heed a word of warning and that is to make sure the local authority has been informed. Parents in the USA should ensure that they are familiar with the home schooling laws in their respective state (homeschooling rules for Texas, might be different for New York and other states). 

Homeschooling Education  

One problem in home schooling is that parents as teachers will quickly need to become knowledgable about key subjects in order to prepare lessons. Parents/Carers will need to acquire teaching skills, design or find suitable teaching and learning resources to meet learners needs. Creating sufficient learning material and activities for a whole academic year is no easy fete and developing teaching skills overnight might prove a challenge. If you are free to create your own curriculum to suit your child’s needs, then enjoy the teaching opportunity to stretch and challenge your child’s thinking, be creative. 

Quality HomeSchooling

Whatever your reason for deciding on home schooling we believe that you will want to ensure that your learners receive a quality standard of education, incorporating key learning skills. Taking your child to visit a nature park can present lots of opportunities to deliver quality education, therefore don’t feel restricted to educate solely at home, a shopping trip can provide scope for a child to engage with numeric learning skills. 

Home Schooling pdf

If you have decided to do HomeSchooling, Study Coach UK is here to support you to understand essential teaching skills. Study Coach is here to help parents create effective lesson aims, lesson objectives, lesson content, lesson plans, teaching and learning resources. If your HomeSchooling schedule is to be scrutinised by educational agencies you will find the Study Coach teaching skills pdf to be of great value. Study Coach UK starts with the assumption that the majority of parents who are HomeSchooling are not qualified teachers, and based on this assumption, parents will appreciate receiving some teaching skills support, to make teaching and learning effective and enjoyable. The Teaching Skills pdf workbook consists of 17 pages, it is filled with information, examples, ideas on teaching skills, to support parents and carers who are HomeSchooling. The pdf workbook is downloadable from the Study Coach website. See the landing page entitled ‘Home Schooling’.

Stories for Homeschooling 

To further help parents with Homeschooling, Study Coach Podcast presents Free weekly stories or continuation of stories to support parents with Homeschooling. At this present time of writing, the latest story is The Elephant’s Child, written by   Rudyard Kipling, and narrated by Morel Benard (me). Parents can incorporate the stories into their Homeschooling curriculum; parents can play the stories when taking a drive, so as to keep children engaged and entertained. Each story episode is accompanied by learning tasks, for learners to complete.   

Study Coach Podcast

The Study Coach podcast is Free to access (no money involved).  You will find Study Coach podcast on most major podcast platforms, such as: Apple, Spotify, Buzz-sprout. Study Coach podcast is delivered once a week, you can arrange to receive notification when a new episode is uploaded. Please Subscribe to Study Coach podcast, subscription is Free.

Here is an Apple link and a Buzzsprout link for the podcast:

Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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