How to Plan Great YouTube Tutorials?

Study Coach UK Course & Curriculum Design Service

If you would like to start making great content for your YouTube Tutorials or for any other social media Tutorials or if you would like to write courses for your niche but don’t have teaching knowledge or experience then Study Coach can help you. 

We can help you to generate content ideas for tutorials, plan the tutorial session and show you how not to become a victim of verbose aimless talk due to lack of content. 



Study Coach is therefore able to teach you practical skills on how to teach. If you’re in the business of delivering tutorials on social media platforms then you have in fact stepped into the world of teaching. You have become an educator, though it is possible that you did not set out to become a teacher. Delivering tutorials requires teaching skills and Study Coach would like to help you develop effective teaching techniques and to fine-tune your skills in planning great tutorials (lessons) for your students and to plan your future courses. 


My name is Morel Benard and I lead Study Coach, we are based in the UK. I am qualified to teach. I have experience teaching at Higher Education, Further Education and Secondary Education. My credentials are as follows: MSc Educational Leadership MA Criminology LLB (Honours) Law BSc (Honours) Psychology PGCE https: IQA. 

Now that credentials are out of the way, let’s look at teaching and learning. Firstly, in order to help your students to learn you need to start with the Aim of the Tutorial.



You need to think carefully about the aim of the Tutorial before you start to make plans. Ask yourself the following question: What do I want to achieve? 

Teachers must first decide on what they hope to achieve when planning a teaching session.

What are the aims and objectives? Aims and objectives are however different, our focus at the moment is on the Aims, Objectives are considered below.

Aims should be clear statements to describe what the tutor hopes to achieve. The statements of what you intend to do should be expressed in a broad sense. Aims are general statements of intent. For example: 

1. The tutorial will consider how to control perennial weeds on driveways

2. The aim of the course is to introduce the principles of achievement motivation 

3. The video training will introduce the elements of storytelling

The Aims will provide you with a direction for the tutorial but because Aims are broad they won’t quite tell you how you will achieve your goals, so you will need to express your teaching intentions in a more specific way. You will therefore create specific objectives.



We can also refer to Objectives as ‘Learning Outcomes’ or ‘Learning Intentions’. Objectives are testable statements to explain what you want your students to learn through watching your video tutorial. 

TASK: Refer back to the Aims 1, 2, 3 and see the following related Objectives:  

1. Students/Viewers should be able to measure the solution correctly

2. Students/Viewers should be able to identify 3 examples of social comparison 

3. Students/Viewers should be able to connect the microphone to the video correctly


Hopefully, you will see that Objectives makes it clear what students will have to do. Students will be clear about their learning. A great Tutorial should mean that after watching your video students will be left in no doubt about what they need to practise and will look forward to watching your next video. In deciding on what precisely your students need to achieve it will further help you as tutor to evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching and video.  



If you’ve been delivering tutorials via YouTube and other social media then you will have knowledge about video cameras, lighting and purchasing microphones. If you’re just starting out you can use a good i Phone or have a look at what is available at your local store or at Amazon. This digital camera is advertised as being suitable for YouTube tutorials If you decide not to use your phone but need a camera for beginners then take a look at this Camcorder


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Objectives, will enable you to clearly explain your thought process to your students and viewers and reduce the chances of having to revert to a long preamble about what you did last week and using other stalling strategies. There is really no need to stall, when there is so much to say, the skill is how to create content of knowledge in your niche.  



Study Coach is well aware that people do not make social media tutorials because they want to become teachers; people make tutorials because it is a great way to have a business and to get known in an industry. This being the case tutorial presenters should aim to develop skills in creating an abundance of content and quality content. These skills are learnt, it is all part of the art of teaching and Study Coach is here to support you in your learning journey, so you can monetise your business and take advantage of opportunities. 



The next Study Coach Social Media Tutorial Blog will follow soon and will present an Example of how you can plan content for a full 15 minutes video tutorial.  

QUESTION: If you have a question about structuring Tutorials, fine-tuning Aims and Objectives and learning more Teaching skills, then do get in touch.

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Morel Benard at Study Coach UK (Educator/Storyteller/Spoken Word Artist)


Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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