How to Stop a Workplace Bully (Dollars & Pounds)
Study Coach UK is in the business of education and entertainment. We believe that learning should be fun and we often use stories to engage people with learning. We are developing a range of books on social issues impacting on work and have recently released the first title: How to Stop a Workplace Bully. Morel Benard who is the lead at Study Coach UK is the author of the book. Morel tells the story of dear Yasmin, who is the victim of bullying in the workplace. The book is available at and worldwide
Dollars & Pounds
In order to keep earning the Dollar or Pound we might choose to deny the existence of bullying in the workplace. We might believe that each man/woman should fend for self and as a result we distance ourselves from our colleague (the victim of bullying). For some staff it might become a moral dilemma of whether to keep silent or become a whistleblower.
Main Character: Yasmin
The victim in this story is a woman (Yasmin), she is a mother of two, her husband is recently deceased, the workplace setting is a training corporation. This story should hopefully serve as an eye opener on how clique friendships in the workplace can become a breeding ground for emotional abuse at work.
How to Stop a Workplace Bully
Co-workers witnessed incidents of abuse taking place on a daily basis but yet they decided to turn a blind eye, this behaviour could be described as a bystander effect. Workers fearful for their own livelihood felt that to intervene and to object to the abuse taking place would put their own job under scrutiny and their employment at risk. Fearful of the possible negative consequences staff would sit back and watch bullying taking place, some staff experienced a great deal of discomfort watching the abuse week in and week out but the fear for one’s own position can be so great that staff choose to work with the discomfort.
Defence Mechanism Denial
Other members of staff including managers implemented a defence mechanism, for example Denial. According to the psychologist Freud, denial is a means of failing or refusing to acknowledge the reality of a situation. Denial is an extreme form of self-protection, where staff will categorically deny that a workplace culture of bullying is in existence. They might refer to any accusation of clique friendships underpinning bullying as being nothing but Lies, Lies and more Lies.
Victim of Bullying
In many cases of bullying the bully’s objective is to make work life unbearable for the victim so that the victim feel that their only option is to resign and leave the workplace; however in Yasmin’s case the main objective was to control her mind, to exploit her intellectual skills, for the bullies own gain.
Definition of Bullying
Bullying can be subtle and non-aggressive (making it difficult for victims to collate evidence of the abuse). In respect of definition of workplace bullying, the negative incidents need to be ongoing over several months, where victims are subjected to 2 or more episodes of bullying a week.
Bullying Behaviours
There are many different type of bullying behaviours:
Being shouted screamed at
Given impossible deadlines
Sexual demands
Invasion of personal Space
Finger pointing
Being threatened
The author Morel Benard is an educator, writing to educate and entertain. How to stop the Workplace Bully is part of the Dollars & Pounds series. The organisation is Study Coach UK,
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