It’s Play Time

Over the past academic year (2013 – 2014) you have no doubt written numerous essays and other assignments, sat the dreaded exams and delivered a few nervous presentations to your peers. At times you may have felt like giving up, having received a disappointing feedback or mark from your tutor, or because you have had to juggle some major personal matters on top of your academic studies. But when the going gets rough, the tough gets going, and so congratulations to you for surviving the academic year; and a massive congratulation on your achievements. You have worked hard, so now play hard, de-stress both mind and body.

It’s time to have that party, reconnect with family and friends, and let the music take control. Relax, catch-up on your sleep, and enjoy yourselves; but without being a spoilt sport, do also remember not to inconvenient others when having a ball.

If you are going abroad for a holiday and the situation presents itself, then try to partake in local activities. Learn the local dance, whether it is Jump Up or Salsa or Zumba (but try to keep it decent). If you are staying at home and you live in the city, try to visit a rural part of the country, and if you live in a rural area, try to experience city life. We are sometimes brainwashed into believing that certain activities can only be performed by a specific group of people – don’t fall into that trap. If an opportunity to go kayaking or horse riding presents itself, then why not give it a go, remember to play safe.

For those of you, who will be making a University application to UCAS in 2014; do consider doing some volunteering work during the summer months. You should by now be aware that the submission of an application to your chosen University is not a guarantee that you will be granted a place. You need to compete for a place; so be a few steps ahead of the competition and get some experience in your chosen field. If you wish to study nursing/midwifery, get in touch with your local hospital or health care centre. The experience gained as a volunteer should prove useful when completing your UCAS application. Remember, that Study-Coach is here to support you with your UCAS statement.

If unfortunately you are submitting assignments during the summer months, don’t forget that Study-Coach is here to help you – so get in touch.

Enjoy the summer, have a wonderful time, but don’t fall foul of the law. There is a saying that the Devil finds work for idle hands; meaning that when we have nothing to do, there is a greater chance that we could be led astray. Have fun, lots of fun, but remember that you have future goals to accomplish in the next academic or vocational year.

You have been such a great inspiration to me. You made me have an interest in Psychology. You are a great teacher. May God’s grace and blessings continue to flow in life to make a great impact on the next generations.

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