Nursing and Midwifery Care Principles

Study Coach is in the business of education, we are passionate about supporting you in your learning. We know from experience that non-traditional learners returning to education will usually find studies at further or higher education to be challenging; Study Coach led by Morel Benard is here to support you. In previous blogs we have focused on bringing our services to students attention and have offered University nursing students content on getting help with Essays, Reflective assignments, preparing for a Research Project or Dissertation and how best to tackle essays on COPD and Diabetes. Most of our university students are writing at Level 7. In this blog we would like to offer some help to college students preparing to pursue a nursing or midwifery career.
One route to secure a university nursing place is to study for an Access Diploma, so in view of this we will give some guidance to Further Education learners, furthermore we will highlight the NMC Care Principles. Students studying care at level 3 should be aware of the Care Principles, we believe that an awareness of the principles will also be helpful to learners who are employed as carers working in care homes. In considering the Nursing and Midwifery Care Principles, we will also consider the assessment mode of presentation, since it is likely that students studying for a Diploma will be tested on their knowledge of the principles via a presentation.
Learners are usually great at talking, they will all talk at the same time, however when the word presentation is mentioned, there is usually a deathly silence or behaviours change to a state of panic. “I can’t talk in front of the whole class, I’m just not good at it. I’m going to have a heart attack, look and feel my sweaty palms, I swear I’m having angina”. Presentation therefore seems to be associated with panic attacks, so Study Coach is here to provide support. Okay, let’s imagine that you have to deliver a short powerpoint presentation on Care Principles. The first step is to research what you need to cover according to the assessment criteria; you will need to show a general awareness of why care professionals should observe and adhere to the Care Principles.
You might be instructed to discuss the following themes: Prioritise People, Preserve Safety, Effective Communication. You could choose to discuss the topic of Diversity in order to satisfy the Prioritise People theme. In this case you could say that nurses and midwives and other professionals should not make assumptions about patients and service users, professionals should recognise diversity and individual choice. In creating a powerpoint slide for Preserve Safety you could focus on principle 17, in respect of Safeguarding. This principle highlight the importance of why health care professionals should raise concerns immediately if a vulnerable person is at risk and need extra support and protection. Nurses and care associates should take all reasonable steps to protect the vulnerable from harm, neglect and abuse. You need to know about safeguarding policies and laws. When addressing the code of Practise Effectively, you could consider focusing on Effective Communication. In this case you could explain that professionals should communicate effectively in writing and when speaking to patients, clients and the general public, ensuring that there is understanding.
Study Coach can help you to improve your grades, to be the best that you can be. We act as a critical friend and will guide you to understand the assessment criteria and for you to develop your academic skills. We provide both an Essay and Dissertation Online service. Study Coach provides online tutoring at its best, and you can access the service at any time and submit your work overnight. To find out more about our academic support and other services, call Morel Benard for a chat on 07944 849271 or email Website: