Online Learning Training Resources | Study Coach UK

Planning ahead and preparing for tomorrow is key to achieving success, yes we know  that there is great uncertainty and that the best made plans will always be open to change. Study Coach would like to encourage you to stay positive and to make some time for learning; we suggest that you should reflect on transferable skills and make time to add or improve skills.

As stated yesterday Study Coach UK is trying to help businesses and individuals with Continuing Professional Development. We are an Online Educational Consultant providing academic support and learning (everyone is welcomed). We aim to empower others to excel at University/College, to support people to develop skills in order to find employment or to go into business and become entrepreneurs. Morel Benard is qualified and experienced in teaching (see, Study Coach website for credentials).  Our present focus is on Critical Thinking Skills and we will continue with the topic of Conformity. 


Conformity is a major aspect of social influence, meaning that the term refers to the effect that the presence of others has on the way people think, feel and behave. 

One definition of Conformity:

‘….a change in belief or behaviour in response to real or imagined group pressure, when there is no direct request to comply with the group nor any reason to justify the behaviour change’.


Example: Jane’s colleagues said: “Jane, if you would buy a box of wine we would be very happy for you to join our group’

In this case group membership is on the condition that Jane purchase a box of wine. Jane doesn’t drink alcohol. The pressure is real. Will she go against her beliefs in order to join the group or will she refuse to be influenced and as a consequence remain excluded? 

Psychology Conformity Social Influence


Example: Peter popped into work on a Saturday, Peter was wearing trainers and Peter saw members of his team staring at the trainers. Peter believe that the ‘stare’ was one of disapproval.  

In fact team members were admiring the trainers and was looking intently for the brand name, they felt embarrassed to directly ask Peter for the brand name. Peter therefore assumed/imagined that members of his team disapproved of wearing trainers into work and in subsequent work meetings held on Saturdays, Peter ensures that he is never wearing trainers. 


Social norms are accepted standards of behaviour of social groups. Staffs are usually aware of the norms governing work behaviour and as we move from one group to another group our behaviour changes, we adapt behaviour in view of the norms of the group.

Imagine if we have no awareness of group norms, it is likely to make transitioning and acceptance into groups challenging, hence a reason to develop Critical Thinking Skills. The value of Critical Thinking Skills is that they will help to sharpen our awareness so that we have a greater chance of noticing things that should matter and become more aware of the world around us. 

Conformity is following accepted rules of behaviour of particular groups within society.  


In the previous article we said that: Conformity is also known as majority influence; meaning for example that Peter’s work team influenced his judgement


There is also the concept of Minority Influence and I would like to invite you to consider the following:


  1. Think about the term ‘minority influence’ in regard to the context and give a written description
  1. What do you think is required for minority influence to succeed? Write an opinion, based on what you know about conformity 
  1. See if you can give examples of minority influence (real examples or write a scenario)

(Hope this is not too taxing – Feedback is welcomed)

Morel Benard – 07944 849271

Thank you so much for all you help, time and support this past year – It’s difficult to put into words really. It’s a bit strange for me as I have never had someone outside of my family make such an impact on my life before, but you have. To be frank, you’ve taught me more than the text book stuff (LoL) seriously you’ve given me the vital tools I need to not only succeed in University, but things I will take on for the rest of time. Thank you for your Realness. Thanks for everything. I wish you all the best and more.

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