Study Coach Question – What is the Mind

ANSWER: The mind is otherwise referred to as the psyche and it is the non-material aspect of the human being. Therefore the mind is not tangible, meaning that it is not physical, we cannot see the mind, we cannot touch the mind and since it is not physical we cannot measure the mind. The mind is not the same as the brain. 

The brain is physical, it is matter, the brain has size, shape, weight, the brain exists and therefore can be measured. In scientific terms, people will say that the brain occupy time and space, on the other hand the mind does not occupy time and space because in scientific terms the mind does not exists. 

I know that we talk about the mind a great deal in our daily lives, people will  often say that they have so much on their mind. We might therefore find it difficult to understand how something that features so greatly in our lives don’t in fact exist. Furthermore, we need to understand that neurophysiologists, biologists, psychologists suggest that there is a relationship between the brain and the mind. The suggestion is that the mind does influence and make changes impacting on the brain and body. 

This is all very spooky, since I’m sure that you’re asking yourself of how can something non-physical make an impact on something that is physical. It clearly is puzzling and scientists have yet to provide us with the answer. The question of ‘What is the Mind’ is therefore quite a big question. 

The concept of the mind is described by several psychologists, most notably Sigmund Freud. I’ve noticed that people on social media will often talk about the brain even though the video or post they are presenting is supposed to be all about the mind. I teach about the mind, so if you would like Study Coach UK to explain Freud’s theory about the mind then feel free to send me an email to Morel Benard  

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