Learn English through Stories and Students Reading Literature for Essays
Study Coach supporting students to learn English through stories, and helping students to identify relevant literature for application in essays. For those learning English at beginner level listening to stories in audio format is a great alternative to reading by self. For international university students with English as a Second Language, listening to stories is a great way to extend everyday English vocabulary.
Learn English through Short Stories
It is advisable to make use of short stories when you are starting on your reading journey, books targeted at children or young adults is a good place to start. If you can locate short stories for adults then do so. The same recommendation is applicable if you choose to listen via audio.
You will find below a reading from a short story, this story is a ghostly tale but don’t be frightened, Study Coach is here to protect you. This story was uploaded in parts and discussed in the social media group, the short reading is simply an extract from the story; hopefully it will offer listeners some learning in view of pronunciation and articulation skills. I have offered some of the text from the story below, you can use the text to add to your present vocabulary. Simply identify unfamiliar words and check with a dictionary for the meaning.
“I had been dreaming of the ghost, and was conscious in a moment, and sitting up in bed. Whatever I had thought of Bessie’s tales before, I believed them now, for I could distinctly hear the low, gasping breath which follows an inordinate fit of sobbing, drawn apparently close to us.
‘What time is it?’ I exclaimed.
‘It is just three. I have been listening to it for some time, but did not like to rouse you till I was sure. Is the door locked?’
‘Yes; but I will unlock it at once,’ I said, springing out of bed.
‘No, no! pray do not,’ cried Bessie, clinging to me. ‘What are you doing? It might come into the room.’
‘My dear Bessie, if it is a ghost, no locks can keep it out; and if it is not a ghost, what harm can it do us by entering? Pray be reasonable. We shall never clear up this mystery if we are not a little brave!’
I shook her off, and approached the door, whilst she rushed back to her own bed.
I confess that as I turned the key in the lock I felt very nervous. Do what we will, it is hard to accustom ourselves to think lightly of communication with the dead; neither did I relish the idea of a trick being played us in that lonely house at dead of night”
Question: How to learn English with audio story?
Answer: Listening Skills is clearly of great importance when learning via audio. Learners should make time to give their full attention to the story being narrated. Passive listening is not good, students need to use active listening; this could include making notes. When listening try to pay attention to the sounds of words, pronunciation and articulation. Listen for clues to understand how a character is feeling, and to generally understand the message of the story.
Learn English Podcast:
I believe that my podcast: ‘Stories for Kids with Morel Podcast’ is a useful podcast for learning English via storytelling. Stories for Kids is also for adults, and it is available on most major podcast platforms, including Apple, Google, Spotify. Do visit the podcast, please subscribe and share:
Reading Literature to Write Essays:
Question: How to use Reading evidence in your Essays
Answer: When reading try to be organised and have a notepad and pen/pencil at hand to make notes. Give consideration to why you need to make notes, consider the type of evidence you are looking for to support writing the essay. The aim is to make specific notes that will inform essay arguments. In other words do not attempt to write down everything read, this would be pointless. Keep the essay title and learning objectives in mind to enable you to select relevant evidence. Once you have sufficient and relevant evidence from your readings then organise the evidence to support specific essay arguments, don’t forget to make a note of the references (researchers names, title of research and so on).