Story Books, Storytelling on YouTube: Morel at Study Coach UK

The storytelling channel is ‘Study Coach UK’ and the platform is Youtube.  On Study Coach UK, Morel Benard is narrating good books to entertain and educate listeners. You will find books categorised as best novels, life stories, detective stories, romantic novels and other categories of books. 

Morel also narrates on a second channel for kids: the name of the channel is ‘Stories for Kids with Morel’. It is a great way to help entertain children when on summer holidays, and after school. Parents doing Homeschooling will also find the videos helpful for story-time and when planning lessons. 

#summerholidays #workingparents #storiesforkids

Here is a youtube link for Stories for Kids with Morel channel:

Study Coach UK, Youtube channel:

You won’t have to look long to find something to suit you in the Playlists at Study Coach UK. If you would like to keep updated with new uploaded episodes, please subscribe to the channel, it is free to subscribe. If you would like to tell us about your favourite genre of books then please leave a comment on the channel, it would be great to hear from you. 

Study Coach UK channel on Youtube

Here is the Study Coach UK storytelling link, and please feel free to share the link and videos with others, whether they are in your locality or abroad.

 The Study Coach UK YouTube channel page:

Storytelling at Study Coach UK 

Stories such as Siddhartha’s journey to find knowledge is a nice bedtime story, but it does depend on what topics interest you. For example, if you like romance, you may well prefer to listen to Lady Chatterly’s lover, or Love Among the Haystacks. Study Coach UK channel on Youtube is a Free service; the Free AudioBooks Online are available whenever you are ready (you could be at home, at the gym, on the road, climbing hills or mountains too).  

Secret Adversary – Agatha Christie on Youtube:

This is a charming story, with lots of twists and turns, Tuppence and Tommy as budding entrepreneurs, trying to carve out a career for themselves. The young detectives will have a lot of learning to do and to face adversity, but they are up for the challenge. Listen to the videos on Study Coach UK channel to find out what is happening. 

Book: 1984 New World Order (Big Brother) Audiobook Youtube

The book 1984, Big Brother, New World Order is a powerful piece of English literature. The story is set in London, England, it is a great way to learn about aspects of England and to learn English through stories. The concept of Newspeak is particularly interested, as old words are deleted from speech and new words introduced, the change of language/definitions, is happening in our world today.

Dracula on Youtube

The story of Dracula is a powerful story, the story can get scary, so perhaps not a good idea to listen late at night, particularly if you have a vivid imagination. It is a long read, the story should however conclude before Halloween. 

Stories to Educate – Study Coach UK

Do look out for stories crafted to educate on topics such as Mindset, Motivation, Leadership, Stress, Interpersonal Skills, Conformity and other psychological issues. Morel is presently crafting the stories to educate and entertain Study Coach UK Community on Youtube. 

Share Storytelling 

Please feel free to share Study Coach’s videos with others, whether they are in your locality or abroad. The stories can provide great opportunities for a discussion, and to enable people to become creative, plus enhancing listening and learning skills and providing entertainment. 

Youtube & Study Coach

 The Study Coach UK YouTube channel page:

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