Storytelling & the Storyteller, Stories to Educate & Entertain in English Language

Storytelling to entertain and to educate you on Study Coach UK Youtube. Stories are presented in episodes and previous episodes can be found in the Playlists. Listening to stories can help to stimulate creative ideas, provide education, help to fill leisure hours, help to prepare you for sleep, and help to extend language skills particularly if English is a second language. 

Storytelling Education and Homeschooling 

Storytelling is a great way to entertain learners. Parents and Carers with responsible for Homeschooling can use stories to teach lessons and to design accompanied learning tasks. Parents can select stories from Study Coach’s Playlist to use during Homeschooling. The stories will also help parents with general home education and furthermore keep young people entertained after school hours. Please note that parents guidance on what to select for watching is required, as not all videos will be suitable for young listeners. 

Study Coach UK

Stories are freely available and waiting for you to watch and download from Study Coach UK channel on Youtube. The stories will help parents with homeschooling and with general home education, stories will furthermore keep children entertained after school hours.

Stories on YouTube

 The audio world of YouTube presents opportunities to help educate adults through stories. The use of storytelling is also designed to help adults with learning English, listeners can improve articulation and listening skills through accessing the stories. You will find the Study Coach UK YouTube channel page here:


The world of audio is great because it clearly requires the use of listening skills, and will therefore help to increase and fine-tune active listening. Listening to stories can also help seniors to keep engaged in social interactions, and help with overall communication skills. Stories are a great way to engage people at workplaces, today there is the idea of business-storytelling applied when pitching for business and also applied in other areas of work and team building.  Each episode of storytelling is usually presented in a 20 minute slot, listeners can pause the audio and resume when convenient. You can also re-listen to the videos to aid understanding whenever you choose.

Share Storytelling 

Please feel free to share the videos with others, whether they are in your locality or abroad. The stories can provide great opportunities for a discussion, and to enable people to become creative, plus enhancing listening and learning skills and providing entertainment. 

New World Order, 1984 Big Brother

Books on the topic of the future can be enlightening and thought provoking. The story of 1984 is a brilliant work of fiction, it is such a powerful story that it can leave readers and listeners wondering if the writer had a premonition about the future or whether the story is a combination of fact and fiction.  You will find previous episodes of New World Order, Big Brother 1984 in the Playlists. I understand that the idea of a New World Order is considered to be conspiracy theory, but when we analyse facts of today it is difficult to separate fiction from fact. The story of 1984 Big Brother, New World Order was once a banned book, it was deemed to be too controversial, too political, when it was first published, great to be able to present it today.  


Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis 2034 geopolitical thriller is also considered to be a brilliant work of fiction, about a dark yet possible future. The book Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff is also considered to be a good read, on how democracy was nearly lost. What makes a good read will depend on personal preferences, but you won’t have to look long to find something to suit you in the Playlists of Study Coach UK. If you like to keep updated with new uploaded episodes, then please subscribe to the channel.

Audio Storytelling

The book 1984 is set in London, England, and other stories are also located in England, it is a great way to learn about aspects of England and to learn English through stories. You will find all episodes of Lady Chatterly’s Lover and Love Among the Haystacks in the Playlists. You will also find Wuthering Heights and Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde awaiting you (you are spoilt for choice). Stories are presented in episodes of audio books, each audiobook builds on the story, do add the audio books to your list of audiobook listening. The narrated story is also great for English listening and learning English through audio book storytelling. 

Scary Stories: Dracula Audio Books 

A book title can be powerful and ‘Dracula’ is certainly a powerful title; it conjures up evil powers, horror, and dark happenings taking place in the middle of the night, or specifically at midnight. Reading Dracula or listening to the audiobook at Halloween, can help to get listeners in the mood for blood, gore and a dreadful fright.  The story of Dracula is not for the weak hearted, so be prepared to have a fright. ‘Hour of the Witch’ demons that dog her soul is also a strong title, written by Chris Bohjalian , this is a more recent published book. Books on the topic of horror, witchery can be enlightening and thought provoking. 

English Education through Storytelling 

The story of Dracula is set in Europe, it is a great way to learn about aspects of Europe and to learn English through stories. The Study Coach UK audio stories of Dracula is presented in episodes. The narrated story is also great for developing vocabulary and reflecting on old English.

Story: Nirvana, Knowledge, Meditation, Wisdom 

The professional writer will at some point decide whether to stay true to their preferred genre, be it science fiction, fantasy, comedy, mystery, drama, or whether to use a mix of genres. Books on meditation, self-improvement, self-development, success, achievement, wisdom, knowledge, emotional intelligence, psychology the study of mind and behaviour all have a part to play in our lives. The story of Nirvana, Knowledge, Meditation, Wisdom, presents Siddhartha’s journey of self discovery and understanding ‘Om’.  

The story of Nirvana, Knowledge, Wisdom, is set in India (an Indian tale). The story in audio books is a great way to learn about an aspect of Indian culture, and to learn English through stories; it is narrated in English.The narrated story is a great bedtime sleep story, narrated by Morel Benard. 

Storyteller: Read my Mind – The Power of Mind 

A little bit of knowledge as they say can help us not only to earn but also help us to find our purpose in life. The Science Fiction story of Read my Mind – The Power of Mind, is thought provoking, it tells of a scientist without a physical body but with a super intelligent mind. In the mountains in an old mine tunnel our main character Mel is given a mechanical voice (AI), his scientist colleague has destroyed Mel’s body and supposedly his emotions.  

A Christmas Carol (Do they know its Christmas) 

The storyteller Dickens is a master at storytelling, it was a great delight to narrate this story. Please see the Playlists for all episodes of A Christmas Carol. It tells the tale of Scrooge who is forced to reflect on his life and relationship with staff, family, business acquaintances. The moral background to the story of A Christmas Carol has much to teach us. 

Stories to Educate and Entertain

You will find some stories for young listeners, such as stories about life across the African continent. There are so many stories waiting to be told. I believe that oral storytelling, relating knowledge about customs, traditions of Africa have been a way of life for people in Africa for centuries,  and that African storytellers possessed great storytelling skills, no doubt today that many stories have been lost or significantly changed, but thankfully some stories are still with us today. The human imagination and power of recall is great, so I would like to encourage people to research and start to create libraries of stories, telling tales about life, east, west, north and south, of Africa. You will also find other children stories such as the Elephant’s Child and Little Red Riding Hood.  

Storytellers – Scribble & Scribe

If you have an interest in writing stories, then I would like to encourage you to start scribbling, start scribing. If you Scribble and Scribe, I would like to Read what you Write, please get in touch. You could write about mermaids, mystical animals, aliens, romance, love, horror, whatever you want to write about will potentially make a great read. Stories on Study Coach UK YouTube are narrated by storyteller Morel Benard. 

Storyteller Morel Benard – Study Coach UK on Youtube

Storytelling on the Go

If you find it difficult to have sufficient spare time to read because you have a busy schedule then take the videos with you on your device. If you can no longer read as you used to because of ill-health then allow Study Coach UK to do the reading for you. Relax in your favourite chair or in bed and listen to Stories; you will find a range of Stories on Study Coach UK on Youtube. New Stories are continuously being added for your entertainment and to help educate. During holidays you can select a playlist of Stories to entertain you. 

Youtube Link – Study Coach UK 

Study Coach UK Youtube Link

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Please Subscribe to the channel (it is Free) and Please Share.  Friends, family, acquaintances in your locality or abroad might find the videos useful, so please Share.  

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