What is Stress? A Psychology Resource to Help with Essay Writing

What is Stress from a psychological perspective? If writing an essay on stress it is advisable to use concepts associated with Stress, if you didn’t study Stress at undergraduate level, then you should find the following of value: Stress is often caused by external events (Stressors); stress affects a person’s internal state (Stress Responses). Stress is a useful topic to understand since it can impact greatly on our lives, Stress is a combination of Stressors, Stress Responses and Individual Differences.


Question: What are Stressors and Stress Responses?

Answer: Example of Stressors =
Traffic Jam
Work Overload

Answer: Example of Stress Responses =
Pulse racing

Our focus is on the Stress Response and the work of Hans Selye. The GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME (GAS) was introduced into Psychology by Hans Selye in the 1950’s. Selye studied physiological changes that take place under conditions of short term and long term stress.

Selye exposed animal to stressors (extreme heat and cold – bacterial infections). He argued that all stressors no matter how different they are produce the same reaction – the same general bodily response.

Stress is ‘the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it’, Selye (1956).

According to the definition, the body does not have a specific response to a particular stressor – It has the SAME response to ALL stressors.

G = GENERAL This refers to Selye’s belief that there is the same general bodily response to all stressors

A = ADAPTATION The stress response enables organism to adapt to stressors

S = SYNDROME A characteristic combination of factors that make up the stress response

Selye identified 3 main stages in the stress response





This mobilises the body for swift action. The Alarm stage occurs over seconds or minutes in the face of a sudden stressor (you either stand up and fight or run – fight or flight – Walter Cannon). The sympathetic branch of the nervous system is activated.

There is an increase in arousal of the automatic nervous system, produced by a release of adrenaline:

• Rate and strength of heart beat increases

• Blood pressure raise

• Tension in muscles

• Respiration deepens

• Pupils dilate (to improve visual function)

• Other physiological changes (sugar level – blood flow)


The Resistance stage occurs when a stressor persists. At the Resistance stage, the Alarm stage is significantly lowered or disappears completely – Giving an appearance of a return to normal physiological functioning. Resistance is lowered if new stressors appear. There is a decrease in the sympathetic activity.


Exhaustion stage is reached if a stressor persists still longer, and the body’s defences can no longer cope. The Exhaustion stage is associated with the development of psychosomatic illness (meaning disorders of the body which are caused in part by psychological mental and emotional factors). These might include – stomach ulcers, heart disease, hypertension, raised blood pressure. Selye called these the diseases of Adaptation.

GAS has identified a link between psychological factors and physical illness. Stressors such as unemployment, marital conflict, taking exams are associated with the stress response outlined by GAS.

Main criticism – There is evidence to suggest that there are specific physiological responses to specific stressors.

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