Students, UCAS & Study Coach Podcast

If you have recently completed and submitted a UCAS application form, the next step is to start preparing for a University interview. Good preparation is key, so if you can take a virtual tour of the University, then do so, you can also consult with UCAS It is important to find out as much as possible about the interview process, for example will you be involved with a group interview, will there be a planned activity for the group, be informed, so that you can perform at your best. Study Coach is here to give some pastoral support online, if you are feeling anxious about the interview and would like to talk, then feel free to give Study Coach a call. If there is a particular aspect of the interview that you would like advice on, then reach out to Study Coach podcast and we will do our best to oblige.  Here is a link and details about Study Coach podcast:

Study Coach Podcast 

Study Coach podcast provides a platform for students, parents, staff and educational institutions to share their perspective; study tips offered to help students with essay and dissertation writing.  A range of academic topics covered to help students progress with their education. Students HomeSchooling are also part of the Study Coach community; parents and carers in charge of HomeSchooling are welcomed to get in touch with Study Coach so as to air views on issues impacting on learning at home. 

Apple, Spotify, Buzzsprout Podcast Platforms 

You can find Study Coach educational podcast, on Buzzsprout and most podcast platforms including Apple and Spotify, the podcast is presented by Morel. The aim of the podcast is to support students to raise grades; to support parents/carers, practitioners in education to challenge discriminatory practices and make changes in education. Furthermore, Study Coach podcast would like to  collaborate with educational institutions to create new strategies and improve outcomes for all learners.  Students future careers are also important to Study Coach podcast, students attending College and University are doing so in a bid to learn in order to earn in the future, with this in mind, Study Coach podcast will present some career slots to help inform students about careers. In respect of a University entrance interview, let’s consider the following question: Do you have any questions for us?

Interview Question

This question is usually asked at the end of an interview and for most of us, all we want to do is to make a quick escape, so we quickly say: ‘No, I am fine thank you, no questions’. This could however be a golden opportunity to give your interviewers more reasons to offer you a place on the College/University course. I suggest that you should prepare a couple of questions in answer to ‘do you have any questions for us’. Here are some examples.


Could you tell me about any apprenticeship programmes, I am particularly interested to later work with AI? 

Do you give any financial assistance with learning and development? 

What kind of preceptorship programmes do you offer?

Is it possible to join your Nursing & Midwifery course after completing Adult Nursing? 

Qualities & Skills

At the start or the end of the interview it is likely that you will be asked why you should be given a place on the course. This question gives you the chance to talk about your suitability, experience and qualities. For example, if you are a health care worker, you should be shaping your thoughts to talk about your qualities and skills, and ensure that you provide relevant evidence to support your wonderful qualities and skills. Providing relevant evidence is crucial, it will be more persuasive as opposed to simply listing skills and qualities.  Meaning, talk about your work experience caring for clients. 


In my work caring for clients with dementia, I have shown that I am caring and honest. I have the courage to speak-up if I see that bad practice is taking place. For example, if I were to witness a member of staff administering an incorrect drug, I would not hesitate to report it. I have learnt from my work experience that I have a duty to patients, to advocate on patients’ behalf and by reporting incidents I would be carrying out my duty. I understand the six Cs and I work in accordance to care values. 

If you are at the end of your Nursing degree and will be seeking employment, the following might be of help. 

Newly Qualified Nurse

A newly qualified nursing student will need to convince employers that they have what it takes to become a good nurse. A good nurse need to possess a daunting set of qualities, he/she need to demonstrate compassion, have good communication skills, show respect and resilience, be accountable and adaptable. If you know what is required of you then do ensure that you offer evidence to support the qualities and skills you possess. 

Interview Question for Newly Qualified Nurse

Tell us about a mistake you have been involved with?

What! They want to hear about my mistakes. Yes, shocking isn’t it. Now, you need to note that interviewers say that too often interviewees are very quick to talk about someone else’s mistake. In view of this don’t fall in the trap of talking about other people’s mistakes, instead talk about yours. The reason for asking you to talk about a mistake is to see what you have learnt from what took place. How did the mistake  change your practice, how did you work with others to change your practice? Furthermore, interviewers will be looking for how you use evidence in your practice. 

Conflict Resolution

Interviewers might also want to hear how you would deal with conflict, so be prepared. The aim is to show that you can de-escalate a situation and not make the situation worse. You could say that taking people away from the area and sitting them down, to allow them to explain what led to the problem would be your chosen strategy. Furthermore, you should give your interviewers confidence and let them know that you are aware of when it is best to escalate the matter to a senior member of staff. 

Study Coach Academic Service 

Study Coach Academic Service support students to understand the essay title, support students to identify relevant research evidence and support students to critique the structure of their work, delete repetition and inappropriate content, proofread, guide students on whether they should be writing in the first or third person according to guidelines, raise application and discursive skills and generally improve Study Skills. 

How to Submit your Essay for Feedback 

Submitting your essay to Study Coach is easy, simply send the essay via an email attachment, please don’t place the essay in the email itself, please use attachment. We suggest that students should also phone Study Coach to discuss the essay when drafting the work (there is no charge for the telephone consultation). It is also advisable to inform Study Coach of your assessment criteria/learning outcomes and University deadline date. Once you have submitted the essay draft to Study Coach via an email attachment, you will then proceed to make an online payment. 

Purchase Academic Support – Study Coach

Go to the Academic Support landing page and click ‘Purchase Academic Support for an Assignment or Purchase Academic Support for a Dissertation or Research Project’ and check out the fees. You will find that support for a 3,000 word essay is only 30.00 and this fee is unchanged for the academic year 2021 – 2022. 

Good luck with your UCAS application, University interview and hope to meet you on Study Coach podcast. Subscription to Study Coach podcast is FREE.

Thank you so much for all you help, time and support this past year – It’s difficult to put into words really. It’s a bit strange for me as I have never had someone outside of my family make such an impact on my life before, but you have. To be frank, you’ve taught me more than the text book stuff (LoL) seriously you’ve given me the vital tools I need to not only succeed in University, but things I will take on for the rest of time. Thank you for your Realness. Thanks for everything. I wish you all the best and more.

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