Study Coach Academic Support Tutor Online

Study Coach is here to support all learners, it matters not whether you are enrolled at a brick and mortar establishment, studying via distance learning or you are retired and identify yourself as a lifelong learner. If you need academic support then Study Coach is here to help. Making the transition from school/college to University can pose a number of challenges for learners. University culture and academic requirements can at first seem strange and learning new rules can be time consuming and as we know time can be a scarce commodity. Non-traditional mature learners studying with Open University or indeed any other distance learning establishment will no doubt find returning to education exciting but yet challenging.
Our aim is to help pave the way for learners, by providing answers to questions, guiding learners on assignment learning outcomes, providing feedback on essays/dissertation and guiding learners to develop study skills. Study Coach provides blogs free of charge and these are available to anyone with an interest in learning, for example parents can learn about children’s developmental stages. Study Coach’s Questions and Answers Online are designed to provide knowledge on a range of concepts and to assist learners’ when writing assignments.

Reflective assignments usually create great problems for students so I would like to give some directions on how to go about tackling a reflective work. A reflective assignment will require students to give their perspective on a learning event. Now, do keep in mind that though the assignment brief requires you to give a personal perspective, you will still need to keep to an academic format; writing about your learning experience will still require you to evidence the assignment. The reflective work must be supported with references. I need to emphasise this point: Please do not submit a reflective assignment without references.
I appreciate that the reason why most students become confused about referencing a piece of reflective work is because the reflective work is considered to be personal. What students need to do is simply to learn the required academic skills to employ when writing a reflective assignment. Let’s imagine that the assignment brief requires you to reflect on your Leadership Skills.
What you will need to do when reflecting is to apply theoretical ideas to support how you used leadership skills. You will need to identify issues and apply theoretical ideas on leadership to discuss your personal learning experience. For example, in your reflection your University/College would expect you to explain your leadership style, be it Autocratic, Transactional, Transformational or any other style, in doing so you will provide a source of reference to explain the style of leadership, strengths, weaknesses etcetera. Example; it would be clearly wrong of you to talk about your skills in using Transactional Leadership and not to mention a theorist. If you were to discuss Transactional Leadership and not reference a source, you would be giving readers the impression that you are responsible for the term ‘Transactional Leadership’. This would be wrong of you and it could lead to the accusation of plagiarism.

Study Coach offers a range of online support and this includes giving guidance on University and College courses and Careers. Furthermore, we believe that learners should engage with professional organisations related to courses, for example if you are studying teaching and would like to work abroad as a teacher then you should have an awareness of the British Council The British Council is also involved with Erasmus programmes, do look at their educational opportunities. If you are studying nursing or a related health course you will be introduced to the Nursing and Midwifery Council do try and become familiar with the core principles underpinning nursing and midwifery. For Social Work students, you should try to join BASW or another relevant professional organisation. Future Solicitors should see It is good to become a student member of a relevant professional body in view of training contracts, internships, paid-unpaid opportunities and to connect with professionals in your field of study. Learning is all around us, through engaging with professional bodies the interaction can help to bring classroom learning to life.
Study Coach is here to support you with your learning journey, we are online and also available via phone and emails. We are here to answer questions and to provide you with feedback in order to help raise the quality of your work and appraise your content in regard to theoretical frameworks applied in assignments. We act as a critical friend and will guide you to understand assessment criteria and support you to develop your academic skills.
We provide academic support for both Essays and Dissertation and you can access the service from anywhere and submit your draft work overnight. To find out more about our academic support and other services, call Morel Benard on 07944 849271 or email
CONTACT: If you have a question about assignments or need Academic Support, then do get in touch with Study Coach UK. Email: Morel Benard
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