Study Coach: Back to School/College Educational Supplies & Research

A new term, new beginnings, lots of learning to be done, learners going back to school/college/university will need to buy educational supplies for the learning journey. I am sure that learners at Secondary School will have already made a visit to their Local Mall or checked online and submitted their supplies list to parents/guardians. Young learners please show appreciation for what you receive, educational products can be costly. I also do hope that young learners will not resort to tearing pages from costly notebooks in order to make paper planes. Yes, boys and girls, I do understand what can take place in the classroom. Most of you have no interest in aviation, yet you like paper planes. The new term should mean no more paper planes. 

For readers who are new to Study Coach UK, my name is Morel Benard. I am an educator, with teaching experience at Secondary, Further Education and Higher Education. My credentials are as follows: MSc Educational Leadership MA Criminology LLB (Honours) Law BSc (Honours) Psychology PGCE https: IQA. 

Now that credentials are out of the way, I would like to offer some guidance on educational supplies. Plus I will offer some teaching on carrying out research and I hope that you will implement the guidance when you return to studies. The guidance on research is relevant to students at school and college as well as to university students.  


Students studying at different levels do research, people also carry out research at their place of employment, for example, scientists conduct research, university lecturers carry out research. Research involves asking questions. Research helps us to gain knowledge, to implement the knowledge in practice, to seek improvements and the hope is to help make the world a better place for all.  


Students at school will carry out research on a daily basis, when a teacher instruct students to find out what caused the sinking of the Titanic, then students will engage in research. At school level, students will read books or use a laptop to read web pages to find out about the Titanic. This is good but there is a problem and that is many students will simply copy what they find on the web; students will repeat the said words about the sinking of the Titanic. There are some great educational websites to help you do research and a laptop or tablet is particularly useful and easy to access when you are away from a library, but as learners we need to do more than just read and accept ideas, we need to use critical thinking skills to evaluate the ideas. 


We don’t want to copy down exactly what someone has written in a book, this is not good. What you need to do is to read, understand and then write in your own words what you understand from the reading. Furthermore, you need to mentally raise questions based on the reading. For example, if the book or web page says that the ship sank because of mechanical error, you could also consider if human error may have contributed to the sinking of the ship and give a possible reason why human error should be considered. In other words because the book or web page failed to consider a certain factor, it doesn’t mean that you should also fail to consider other factors. Budding researchers need to look at the evidence, continuously raise questions, find answers, hence show off their wonderful thinking skills.  Study Coach hope that students will try to work on their research skills during this new academic year. 

In order to extend young learners research knowledge, please find 2 research terms (qualitative and quantitative) try to understand the terms.


Qualitative is descriptive data, meaning that the research evidence collated is in the form of description. For example, if you did an interview to find out about problems students are having at school, and students described their problems, then you would be collecting qualitative data.


Quantitative researchers focus on numbers. In order to gather data that will lead to numbers, researchers will usually make use of questionnaires. For example, you could create a questionnaire to find out what percentage of students prefer reading Priestley’s book ‘An Inspector Calls’ as opposed to Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’.    


Dress Smart and Study Smart. Looking tidy and feeling good is important in education and your school uniform represents you school, so show the school that you care by dressing appropriately. If you are a college or university student then my suggestion is that you should have a collection of clothes for studies, keep to a uniformed style and dress for comfort. High heels pounding hard college or university corridors can be very noisy and uncomfortable. Buy an extra uniform for placement if you are a trainee nurse/health carer.  


At college and university level students should understand that research is the study of a phenomena and that the research process should be rigorous  and involve systematic collection and analysis of data. Students should understand that if research involves asking questions then this is linked to the need for the researcher to state research aims, objectives or hypothesis. 


If you will be carrying out a research project  or dissertation this academic year then you will certainly need to engage more with research and understand a range of research concepts. For example, hypothesis, literature review, research strategy, reliability, primary, secondary sources. Study Coach is able to support students to understand these terms. For now, I will explain the term ‘hypothesis’.

Hypothesis, is a statement which specifies the relationship between variables. It is a prediction of what the researcher expects to happen. The research study should therefore aim to test whether the hypothesis is supported by the research findings. 


So, if you are returning to school/college/university and need to purchase educational supplies, you may have already visited your local shopping Mall, be it the Arndale in Luton or Manchester; Harpur Shopping Centre in Bedford; Westfield, Bluewater or Brent Cross in London or further afield, such as Cossgates Mall in Albany New York. I expect that for convenience many shoppers purchasing back to school supplies will make use of online shopping. Today, whatever is on your Wanted list can be found online, you will find below an affiliate disclosure and some suggested products. Please have a look online and search for your personal educational supplies. 

CONTACT: If you have a question about Research or need Academic Support, then do get in touch with Study Coach UK. Complete the Contact form below and Subscribe to study Coach and I will alert you to more free Blogs. Email: Morel Benard 


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Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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