Study Coach Essay Writing Service to Raise Essay Grades

A Level results in the UK is causing great stress for young students, Study Coach UK do sympathise with young learners; try not to allow stress and fear to block your study goals and future career. For mature students having left education many years ago the thought of writing essays and fear of not achieving can be terrifying, Study Coach is here to tell you that you can achieve. In addition to sitting exams, writing essays is a central part of University and College assessments, writing good essays and a dissertation  will provide evidence of your learning journey and they will pave the way to your overall academic success. 

At University or College, students will usually have a personal tutor who will provide additional support, the problem is that personal tutors are inundated with academic work and find it difficult to offer all students sufficient time for additional support. Study Coach is aware of the issues facing students and we therefore act as your online tutor, helping students to understand academic requirements and teaching students how to raise essay grades. The world is changing, if you aim to develop academic skills to apply in the workplace or in order to make the transition into a new career, this is commendable and Study Coach is here to tell you that you have the potential to achieve.   


In order to achieve excellent essay grades, we need to work hard and to work smart. Let’s give some focus to working smart, this means that students should pay attention to the structure of their work. The structure and organisation of an essay is just as important as the content. You could liken an essay structure to a building block, academic writing gains its structure and shape from several elements. There is the organisation of the essay, this is the planning stage. Cottrell (1999) suggest that good organisation of your thoughts, materials and writing will ultimately show through in the final product. During the planning stage students will need to consider the arguments they intend to raise. In other words students need to think about what they are trying to say and how they will make their arguments clear to readers. Consideration, therefore should be given to how each aspect of the argument will connect, making links between a to b to c. Paragraphs, can be likened to the bricks used to build a structure, each paragraph should focus on a particular aspect of your argument and prepare the groundwork for other arguments to be raised. All paragraphs should focus on the title of the essay or the question for discussion, this will increase students chances of achieving an excellent essay grade. 


A research proposal is an intention of what you hope to do in the actual research. Although it is a proposal, it is a very important assignment, since failure to produce a robust rationale, literature review and methodology will lead to overall failure. The chosen research methodology is of great importance, students will need to understand research methods terminology and conceptual ideas in order to defend their choice of methods. It is important to justify the chosen method and to provide reasons why other methods were rejected in view of the research aims and research questions. Students working on a dissertation should note that research questions are quite different to interview or survey questions. The dissertation could be a literature review or it could be a primary piece of work, students therefore need to know the difference. In planning a research proposal for a dissertation, students will definitely need to engage with research methods.  Study Coach UK is here to help.     


A successful research proposal will lead to an academic supervisor granting the student permission to start planning the actual dissertation. The dissertation guidelines will also highlight the importance of ensuring that the research is conducted in an ethical fashion. For example, ethical issues such as consent, informed consent and confidentiality should be given consideration. If presenting a case study, researchers are expected to ensure that pseudonyms are used to protect individuals as well as the identity of establishments, this will protect confidentiality. If the dissertation is a literature review, matters surrounding ethics will also need to be considered from a methodological standpoint; meaning that students should critique whether the published research was conducted in an ethical manner. If the dissertation is a primary research then ethics will certainly play a major role in the work. Study Coach’s services will provide guidance to students on how to work in an ethical manner. Here at Study Coach we mark assignments, teach, proofread, provide feedback, guide, generally provide academic support and pastoral support to students, and we aim to do so in an ethical fashion in accordance with university guidelines. 


Study Coach delivers academic support to University and College students Online, our system is very effective. We understand the academic needs of mature learners who are returning to education, some learners may have had many years outside of education, as a consequence learners may experience heighten anxiety, Study Coach is here to support all learners. There are many changes taking place in education at this particular time, face to face teaching at University is being reduced and replaced with more online learning, we predict that this is going to create more stress for learners. Study Coach sympathise with learners but there is no need to become stress when we are at hand to help you, just reach out and get in touch. If English is a second language for mature learners then there can be further challenges to overcome. Study Coach staff have many years experience working with diverse groups of learners, we understand issues that can arise for those with English as a second language.    

Help with Dissertation Writing, Research Methods, Sampling, Search Strategy, Data Collection


Learning outcomes sometimes referred to as the assessment criteria are clearly important when structuring an essay. The outcomes provide learners with information of what they will need to satisfy in order to produce a good standard of work. Study Coach will guide students and provide clarity on the learning outcomes and help students to distinguish between descriptive writing and discursive writing. Study Coach online tutoring will support learners to become the best that they can be, we are very passionate and determined to see students achieve. We are on a mission to support as many students as possible, learning can be a lonely experience, so we are here to accompany you. If students require support with structuring a presentation and learning about presentation skills, we can also assist.


Our essay writing service is not a writing mill, meaning that we will not go away and write your essay for you. The assignment is yours, the aim is for learners to show off their understanding, demonstrate critical thinking skills and be rewarded with a mark based on the work produced. The learner therefore earns the mark. We do understand that assignment workload can become overwhelming but it is all doable with good planning and time management. It is very wrong to request for someone else to write the assignment. Study Coach will guide learners, we will tutor you to achieve, but please do not ask that we write for you. We also have an archive of blogs on various topics that learners can read in a bid to generate ideas, plus we are available via phone for a discussion (students are spoilt for choice, make the most of the service).      


To use Study Coach’s Essay Writing Service, students will need to draft or partially draft their essay and to do so according to the learning outcomes and University guidance notes. Students should then submit the draft work and a summary of the learning outcomes to Study Coach, please make the submission using a Word document attachment. We will acknowledge your email and give an indication of when the work will be returned to you. The online system is accessible 24/7 so you can submit the work to us overnight and make a payment, you will find further information on our website in regard to how the system works and how to make a payment. 

Study Coach is led by Morel Benard and a team of qualified and experienced markers. Morel’s qualifications are as follows: MSc, MA, LLB (Honours), BSc (Honours), PGCE, IQA, D32/33.  


Our academic support includes encouraging students to engage with their relevant professional bodies. For example if you’re studying for a Social Work degree it is a good idea to become familiar with the British Association of Social Workers. You could start to make enquiries about securing voluntary work at a Local Council Social Services department, making connections with professionals and start networking (it is never too early to start). Through making connections it might result in a placement or future employment. Education is changing, with more Universities offering degrees online, and with more students having to develop independent learning skills  and seek additional academic support. Study Coach is experienced in offering academic support online and is best placed to support students. If you are studying nursing or a related health course, we suggest that you become familiar with CQC and the Nursing and Midwifery Council and start to learn about caring principles. 

It is therefore good to become a student member of a relevant professional body in view of training contracts, internships, paid-unpaid opportunities and to connect with professionals in your field of study. Learning is all around us, through engaging with professional bodies the interaction can help to bring classroom learning to life.  

Study Coach Essay Feedback
Essay Feedback and Applying theory to practice, Online support with Writing Essays, Study Coach UK


One route to securing a university place is to study via an Access Diploma Course.  An alternative is to study for a Foundation course at your local University or to study an Access course Online. Studying for an Access course online can be challenging for mature learners particularly if no face-to-face teaching is available. The Study Coach team have many years experience providing face-to-face teaching to Access learners. Access learners should also note that they will need GCSE (Maths and English) or an equivalent qualification in order to progress onto a degree programme. Depending on your chosen course of studies Access learners might need to achieve a GCSE in Science (all depending on your chosen degree course).  


In order to secure a university place, potential students will need to complete a UCAS application form and write a UCAS statement. We suggest that potential students should distinguish skills from personal qualities and mature students in particular should make the most of transferable skills gained through voluntary or paid employment. Completing the UCAS statement can be a very stressful time for both young and mature learners,  Study Coach will support all potential students with their UCAS statement. Here is a link on how to make payment for the UCAS Statement Service:

See, our website for the UCAS service or give us a call: 07944 849271 or email   


Here at Study Coach we carry out a number of different services, some students may refer to the service as private tutoring online, essay feedback service, essay marking service, academic support service, coaching, mentoring, proof-reading service. We accept all terms, but we expect all students to draft their essays and we will teach, we will guide. 

CONTACT: If you have a question about assignments or need Academic Support, then do get in touch with Study Coach UK. Email: 

To find out more about our academic support and other services, call Morel Benard for a chat on 07944 849271 or email Website:

Thank you for all your help, you have built my confidence.

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