Study Coach | Luton Bedfordshire Back to School Supplies 2019
To all Luton Secondary School students, College and University students, very well done for making it through 2018 – 2019 academic year. I’m sure that you’re all looking forward to 2019 – 2020 teaching and learning. For those of you starting a nursing course or other course at Bedfordshire University or at Central Bedfordshire College in February/March 2020 congratulations. Time does have a way of speeding by, hopefully you won’t have to wait too long to start your learning journey in 2020. Here at Study Coach, we would like to say a massive well done to Luton and Bedfordshire students for achieving GCSE’s and A Levels. Congratulations to schools, teaching staff and supporting staff.
Study Coach is located in Luton, Bedfordshire and we operate Online, supporting post-compulsory students to achieve. Students studying at College or University can therefore access Study Coach’s Online services at their convenience. You can read about our Online services on our website. Not all students are educated within mainstream education, Study Coach is therefore supportive of Home Schooling (Elective Home Education). In Luton and Bedfordshire some parents are electing to educate their children (5 – 18) at home and Study Coach acting as a qualified educational consultant is on hand to support parents. Morel Benard is the lead consultant at Study Coach and her credentials are as follows: MSc Educational Leadership MA Criminology LLB (Honours) Law BSc (Honours) Psychology PGCE https: IQA.
Parents requiring support to plan schemes of work, create individual lesson plans for their children, understand exam board requirements and academic requirements are able to consult with Study Coach. Homeschooling also referred to as Home Education is all above board, it is legal. All parents are entitled to educate their children at home, education doesn’t have to be in a school setting. Parents must however ensure that the education they provide to children is efficient and suitable to the child’s age, ability, aptitude and needs. If a child is not returning to school in 2019, parents must inform the school in writing. Study Coach is here to support parents in Luton and Bedfordshire with Homeschooling.

Preparing for learning in 2019 – 2020 will require buying educational supplies, whether for homeschooling, school, college or university, you will need to replenish stocks for the learning journey. I expect that the Harpur Shopping Centre in Bedford and the Arndale Mall in Luton have had many student visitors looking for great deals. Online shopping visitors searching for new colouring pencils, clothes, shoes and other items have also no doubt increased over the past month. Young learners please show appreciation for what you receive, educational products can be costly.
School classrooms are usually well stocked with sufficient books for students, however do remember that learning should also take place at home, if you can purchase books published by your exam board then this should be beneficial when revising. For example, AQA Maths, Science, Geography, Psychology (purchase in view of your own school curriculum).
When reading and searching for evidence to support set home-work tasks or tasks carried out in the classroom, don’t just copy exactly what the author has written in the book; copying is not good for learning. What you need to do is to read, understand and then write in your own words what you understand from the reading. You should mentally raise questions based on the reading. For example, if you have a Humanities class and need to find evidence why the Titanic sank, if the book says that the ship sank because of mechanical error, you could also consider if human error may have contributed to the sinking of the ship. We use books to find evidence to support our work, but we need to use thinking skills to show teachers our understanding.

Looking tidy and feeling good is important in education, your school will expect you to look smart in your uniform, the uniform represents the school. You should head to the store in Luton Mall to buy your school uniform, additional shirts can be found online. The store in Bedford will supply uniforms for Bedford schools. Sports clothes and related items can be found online. If you are a college or university student then my suggestion is that you should have a collection of clothes for studies, be fashionable but be comfortable. I suggest that mature students studying nursing/healthcare should buy an extra uniform; the reason being is that studying, doing placement and caring for family members can sometimes leave students with very little time for domestic chores, an extra uniform might help if you are behind with washing chores.

A laptop or tablet is particularly useful for college and university students doing research assignments. Students can easily access research articles and journals when they are away from a library. At college and university level research assignments should be well evidenced and all sources should be acknowledged to prevent plagiarism and ensure academic honesty.
CONTACT: If you have a question about Academic Support or Homeschooling, then do get in touch with Study Coach UK. Complete the Contact form below and Subscribe to study Coach and I will alert you to free Resources and Blogs. Email: Morel Benard 07944 849271
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If you would like to purchase a copy of GCSE English Language AQA Revision and Practice, here is an Amazon link:
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