Study Coach Podcast: Entrepreneurs, Employees, Learn Psychology for Work
Study Coach educational podcast for people interested in understanding human behaviour. The first podcast episode is titled: Entrepreneurs, Employees, Learn Psychology for Work. The first episode is an introductory podcast and it also raises the question of whether people are allowed to show-up to work as their authentic self, or whether people feel pressured to conform to social norms. Study Coach podcasts aims to provide listeners with information, psychological knowledge, teachings. Study Coach will help you understand work colleagues, managers, clients, customers, friends, acquaintances, family members behaviours and attitudes. Understanding people will help you to find work, advance in business and to make social connections. Study Coach aims to entertain, educate and empower people. The podcast is presented by Morel Benard. Please download the episode and subscribe, please tell your friends to have a listen and to follow – much appreciated. You will find Study Coach podcasts on most platforms including Apple.
Future Podcasts
Future podcasts will focus on understanding people in reference to various work settings, business services and social relationships, a range of topics on the psychology of human behaviour will be discussed. In order to earn we need to learn to understand people; if doing business internationally we need to understand and give respect to different cultural norms. Understanding managers, clients, customers, work colleagues, being aware of people’s emotions is therefore of great importance.
- Managers need to understand staff
- Staff need to understand work colleagues (group/team work is dependant on having good work relationships).
- Unemployed seeking work need to understand Interviewers/corporate rules
Learning Psychology
Morel is an Educator with academic credentials in Psychology and with many years experience teaching adult learners the subject of Psychology. Human behaviour is a fascinating subject and most people are usually interested to learn more about people’s attitudes towards life. Furthermore, the work space is the main setting where we meet others outside of our circle of family and friends, this provides sufficient rationale for creating the podcasts to inform and provide knowledge about human behaviour.
The question of whether staff can show-up as their authentic self is discussed in this introductory podcast and aspects of psychology applied. Why do some of us feel that we must hide our tattoos, unshaven face or a chosen hairstyle from the gaze of managers and work colleagues? This behaviour suggests that we feel that they will judge us negatively. Prior to Zoom meetings taking place in the comfort of our own homes, some employees will therefore take great care not to fall foul of corporate rules, in view of attire and presentation. Heavens forbid that our tattoos should show or our natural hair revealed. Do you feel that you have to hide the real you from work colleagues, do you feel that you must conform to corporate rules, even when working from home?
Social Influence
Conformity is all about the power of social influence, we get influenced by groups, and we can also be influenced by the individual (example: work manager).
People’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours are sometimes influenced by others
The following 3 points are important in Social Influence and Conformity
- Actual
- Imagined
- Implied presence of others or an individual
The 3 points above are explained in the introductory podcast, do have a listen; podcasts can be found on most platforms. Here is the link to Study Coach podcast on Apple: