Study Coach UK Storytelling

Study Coach UK is here to Educate (Academic) and Entertain (Storytelling). We support University/College students with Essay Writing, providing Feedback in order to help students improve draft essays and develop key academic skills. We support students with research projects/dissertation and presentations. 


Study Coach online service is now supporting adults to read, don’t be embarrass if your reading skills are not at the required standard. Study Coach will help you and you won’t need to leave the comfort of your home; the service is delivered online and via phone. 


A second aspect of Study Coach’s business is Storytelling. Morel Benard at Study Coach is a Storyteller, creating stories for your entertainment, writing both fiction and non-fiction.  


The series Dollars & Pounds is situated in the workplace. The first book looks at how work colleagues are organised to secure promotion from within their circle of friendship; the story looks at power and the powerless, difference, bartering sex, intellectual exploitation, toxic workplace culture. 

The first Study Coach UK DOLLARS & POUNDS short story is coming soon November/December 2019. 

Creative Writing – Study Coach


Study Coach StoryBoard presents ideas for future publication.

“Well, I never, isn’t that Tommy No Friends”. 

“What you talking about?” 

“Oh, sorry, I’m talking about that guy over there, the short one in the middle, the life and soul of the party. I know him! We use to call him ‘Tommy no Friends’. He really has made a transformation. When we were at school no one would play with him, only the teachers would talk to him. I remember his mother came to a parents evening, she smelt so bad and drunk out of her skull. Poor Tommy, he couldn’t go on any school trips”. 

“As far as I can see your old school buddy, or non-buddy, looks like he’s now a man with plenty of money and friends. What’s that saying? It’s not where you start in life but it’s where you end-up; Well done Tommy!”. 


“Make haste my Prince, make haste my King

Come into the forest where the nightingale sings

Fair maiden waits to be your Queen

Come into the forest where the nightingale sings” 

After months of travelling and still not having found his beloved, the Prince was feeling weary. He had travelled through Merton and Volt, where the prettiest maidens with flaming red hair were known to live, but yet none captured his heart. The Prince and his servants were travelling in the direction of Demery, when the Prince decided to return home, but unbeknown to him the Demery Lodge were waiting for his arrival.

From their vantage point the Lodge members observed the entourage and rolled the heavy bolder of granite into place to close the door. The Grand Mistress instructed the young girls to sweep the floor with twigs made from juniper and to light the fire; soon the heat in the cave was intense. The Grand Mistress dressed in her white robe with matching apron and cap then instructed the women to prepare the vegetables for the broth and nuts for roasting. There was very little talking until the unicorn raised his head and the nightingale began to sing. The women then gathered into a circle and the chant began:


The old mansion has a lot of bad memories for my folks, but I was glad for the work. I kept telling myself to let bygones be bygones, but the mind is a crazy thing, because the more I tried not to think, the more the memories kept flooding back. I did what I was asked to do and that was to fix-up the garden. I’ve been fixing this garden since I were a child. I was just about to leave the old place when I saw them coming. They were plenty in number, including a distinguished looking man and a woman carrying a baby, but all attention seemed to centre on a pale gentle looking woman. They watched her (as I did too) she leant forward to smell the roses, but when she tried to touch the shrub, the distinguished looking man held her back. She looked mighty upset, some words were spoken, but the only word I heard was ‘Traitor’. 


You can contact Study Coach to discuss your academic work or to discuss help with reading, feel free to send an email or to phone, you can access the assignment service from anywhere in the world and submit your draft work overnight. Contact Morel Benard on 07944 849271 (WhatsApp is available) Email


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