Study Coach UK | Child Development & Conformity Blog
From a very early age children are taught to conform, the initial teachings on conformity takes place within the home, though parents might not realise that they are delivering lessons on conformity. When children enter the school system the lessons on conformity are likely to become more intense and Little Mary or Johnny might start
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How Choosing Appropriate Toys can Help Children’s Intellectual Development
Parents should have an awareness about the stages of children’s intellectual development. There is a saying that knowledge is power and my belief is that a little bit of psychological knowledge could greatly help parents to assist children as they progress through the intellectual developmental stages. My name is Morel Benard, I have many years
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How to Help your Baby to Grow
Mummy, Daddy and all Caregivers should learn to recognise signs so they can help the young child to grow. If parents and carers have an awareness of children’s key developmental stages it will help to give babies a better chance in life. My name is Morel Benard, I have many years experience teaching the subject
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