Home Schooling Free Learning Resource | Study Coach

If you need some free additional resources for Home Schooling, Study Coach can help. Get your kids to read and answer the questions, to check their reading skills, vocabulary and thinking skills. Why not subscribe to Study Coach (no cost for the subscription) just simply use our Contact Form (you’ll find it at the bottom
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Home Schooling Your Child & Planning Lessons | Study Coach UK

Home Schooling otherwise referred to as Home Education is an alternative way for children to receive an education instead of attending mainstream school. In some countries Home Schooling is not permitted under law, but thankfully the majority of countries do provide legislation giving parents/guardians the legal right to educate their child at home. Study Coach
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Morel is an excellent tutor; my experience with her was more than outstanding as she spends quality time with her students. Her aim is for students to succeed at whatever the task is. I would highly recommend her as an academic tutor.

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