How to Plan a Research Project/Dissertation with Questionnaire

Questionnaire is the main method of collecting data for surveys. Questionnaires can make use of two main types of questions, namely: closed questions or open questions or a combination. This Study Coach UK article should prove useful to you as a guide to doing your research project or dissertation. Furthermore, it should be useful if
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Study Coach: Back to School/College Educational Supplies & Research

A new term, new beginnings, lots of learning to be done, learners going back to school/college/university will need to buy educational supplies for the learning journey. I am sure that learners at Secondary School will have already made a visit to their Local Mall or checked online and submitted their supplies list to parents/guardians. Young
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Study Coach: What is an Abstract?

ANSWER: An Abstract is a summary of a research project or dissertation. The Abstract should outline the various issues found from undertaking the research project or dissertation. A Abstract should inform readers of the methodology used and present an overview of the findings. When writing the Abstract, you need to keep the content brief, use
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People say you have to be a bit crazy to be a psychologist, to me that makes them different. Thank you for showing me the world needs psychologists.

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