What’s next after Writing Essays?
You have spent the last 3 or 4 years at University, reading, writing, delivering presentations and attending placements, thankfully it has paid off, and you are now qualified in your chosen profession.
What is the next chapter after writing so many essays and submitting the dissertation? Well, I hope that once you have enjoyed a well earned holiday, you will be taking up your first professional job or looking forward to attending interviews.
Preparation is important to so many aspects of our lives and it is certainly crucial for a successful interview. I suggest that you start to prepare for interviews by carrying out some self-assessment, start by reflecting on the wonderful qualities you possess.
Personal Qualities
The focus is on you, it is your opportunity to convince interviewers that you will bring value to their establishment. Don’t just rattle off a list of personal qualities that you have memorised, interviewers are smart people, they are likely to recognise that you are regurgitating what you have read. So, instead of saying that you are honest, explain why being honest is important and apply to the post you are applying for. Give an example of how dishonesty can lead to dire consequences.
You should also give consideration to interpersonal skills (soft skills) not forgetting listening skills. Try to show how your personal qualities will positively impact on the role you are applying for.
Why do you want this job?
This might sound like a strange question, and there is a tendency for interviewees to give a very short answer. Having said this you don’t want to give too much of a lengthy answer. One way of tackling this question is to remember why you chose to spend the last 3 or 4 years studying for your degree. Think about what brought you to study the profession in the first place and why this specific job in your field of study appeals to you. For example, if your profession is nursing or social work, you may have undertaken a placement in this said area of work and therefore have experience to offer. If this is the case then in preparing for the interview ensure that you structure a good answer on why you want the particular job. If you have no work experience in this field but did conduct research in this area as part of your Dissertation, then do talk about it. You have knowledge to offer and this could be very valuable, given the links between evidence and practice.
The world is very competitive, so do expect to find numbers of graduates chasing the same job; you will do your best to get hired but if there are opportunities elsewhere then why not consider relocating if circumstances will allow. For example, I note at the point of writing that there are NHS jobs outside of London for those interested in mental health nursing (Band 5 opportunities). There are nationally recognised Preceptorship programmes offered to support you to consolidate your knowledge and skills during the first six months of qualification and to progress your career further.
More Essay Writing
Now that you are a graduate, the bad news is that it is not the end of your academic education. You will find that job offers will require you to engage with continued professional development. For example, if you are a nurse wishing to progress to Band 6-8, you will need to continue with your academic development to become a clinical leader of the future. Study Coach UK www.studycoach.uk.com is here to continue providing academic support, to help you achieve academic excellence, so do get in touch for online academic tutoring.
Last point, don’t forget to confirm the salary. Money is not a nasty word, you are giving your labour in exchange for a salary, so do get confirmation on how much you will be paid.