Writing Essay Website, Writing Essays for University, Tips & Skills

Study Coach is online to support students with essays, research project, dissertation and other academic assignments. Contact Morel Benard at Study Coach to get help with essay writing and other academic assignments. 

Writing Essay Website

Passing an essay and other academic assignments should be an achievement to make us proud, using a ghost writer or essay mill to write assignments is unethical. Study Coach is here to support students, we believe in students ability to succeed in writing their own assignment with our support. We also believe in getting to know students via telephone chats, enabling students to discuss their work and seek clarification. Study Coach’s website is: www.studycoachuk.com Phone: Morel Benard on 07944 849271

Essay Writing & Mature Students

Study Coach acting as an online tutor will assist you to raise your grades. Meeting university learning outcomes and expectations can be challenging for mature students, particularly for mature students attending university, attending assigned placement, caring for a family and being employed at the same time. Study Coach will support students online through reading drafts essays/dissertation and providing detailed feedbacks. Students will improve their work and empower self. Please note that at Study Coach ‘help with essay writing’ does not mean writing a student’s essay. Study Coach is here to tutor/teach/support students to be the best that they can be. Students will therefore take pride in improving their work. Let’s talk about writing a critical thinking essay. 

Writing Essays Skills

There are a number of skills required for writing essays, a fundamental skill is reading skills. If we have difficulties reading research articles, understanding the meaning of general words and conceptual ideas then we are likely to find writing essays to be challenging. It is therefore worthwhile to spend time improving reading skills. If assignments will be written in a language that is foreign to you (second language) then there is even more reason to focus on improving reading skills. 

Writing Nursing Essays

Depending on your chosen degree pathway, it might be useful to purchase a relevant dictionary to help with understanding the meaning of technical terms. Example, if studying for a nursing degree, buy a recommended health care/nursing dictionary. Don’t expect that the general English dictionary will provide an explanation for all medical/nursing care terms. 

How to write a Critical Thinking Essay? 

A critical thinking essay and a discursive essay have much in common, in order to raise a discussion we must learn to think critically. Thinking critically should be a creative pursuit, it should be enjoyable. Critical thinking skills assumes abilities in a range of skills such as categorising, selection and differentiation.  An academic essay requires students to slow down their processing of information in order to assess research, analyse the methodologies used to identify flaws in the way we arrive at a conclusion. Critical skills include the ability to spot assumptions, identify inconsistencies, errors and merits of research arguments. Higher level critical thinking skills usually requires a combination of skills and attitudes, critical thinking skills will enable students to decide on a number of issues, for example: whether information included in a piece of published research is relevant to the research question and whether chosen methodologies are appropriate for answering research questions.    

Writing Essays linking Words

Academic writing should be a creative activity, the subject matter of the assignment though steeped in science and supported with research evidence shouldn’t be a descriptive piece of work. Universities will expect to see that students are engaging with conceptual ideas, linking ideas and demonstrating own thoughts; this activity will require creativity. 

Writing Essays for University

Prior to planning essays for University, it is important to read and understand your University Learning Outcomes and accompanying guidance, this include presentation guidelines for the essay.  

Writing Essays Research 

Now, let’s focus on the world of doing research and getting to grips with a list of research methodology terminology.  

What is Plagiarism? 

In writing and presenting the essay, your ideas should be clear to the reader and ideas should be suitably linked. Paragraphs should therefore be well structured and the style of writing should be in keeping with academic writing style, meaning that self-expression is not too chatty or flippant. Essay writing should be clear, ensure that there is nothing for readers to find confusing, technical vocabulary should be used correctly, and with minimal reliance on researchers’ words. If there is too much reliance on researchers’ words remember that students run the risk of falling foul of plagiarism. 

What is Research?

It is the study of phenomena by rigorous and systematic collection and analysis of data. It is a private enterprise made public for the purpose of exposing it to the scrutiny of others, to allow for replication, verification or falsification, where possible. Research design – This is a plan of how, when and where data are to be collected and analysed. Research questions – Research involves asking questions. The term research question is used mainly to describe the broad question which is set at the start of a study. Some researchers may prefer to state aims, objectives or hypotheses instead. 

Literature Review/Research Terms: 

Abstract – A brief summary usually found at the beginning of an article. It states briefly the aim of the study, the design (including the method/s, sample/s and sampling) and the main relevant findings. Action research – Action research involves using research in order to plan, implement and evaluate change in practice. Comparative studies – The purpose of a comparative study is to compare policies, practices, events and people. Correlation: This is a statistical association between two or more variables. Data: The information collected by researchers during the course of a study.

Literature Review – This is a review of literature pertaining to the research. 

Mean – The mean is the arithmetical average of a set of values

Null hypothesis – This is the hypothesis which is tested in experimental research. It is stated in a format suggesting that no correlation (or link) exists between two or more variables. Data are collected in order to reject or confirm the hypothesis. 

Dissertation Writing/Ethical Issues:

Confidentiality is an ethical issue, it refers to the assurance given by researchers that data collected from participants will not be revealed to others who are not connected with the study.  Informed Consent is an ethical issue – The process of agreeing to take part in a study based on access to all relevant and easily digestible information about what participation means, in particular, in terms of harms and benefits. Consent/Professional conduct/Right to withdraw and others are also ethical issues (refer to learning from psychology). 

Hypothesis – A statement which normally specifies the relationship between variables. The hypothesis is usually a prediction of what the researcher expects to happen. What the research study aim to do is to test whether the hypothesis is supported by the findings.

Research Project doing Interviews

Interviews – 

  • Structured Interviews (face-to-face): the same questions asked in the same order, ideally with the same interviewer.  They have some flexibility to rephrase the question but cannot alter the content or sequence of the questions. 
  • Semi-structured interview – In this type of interview respondents are all asked the questions from a predetermined list but there is flexibility in the phrasing and sequence of the questions. 
  • Unstructured Interviews (in-depth interviews): the questions are not pre-set; it allows flexibility and is less formal.

Focused group interview – This can be described as interactions between one or more researchers and more than one respondent for the purpose of collecting data on a specific topic. 

Help with Writing Dissertation – Research Terms: 


This is a research method – seeing/watching and recording all that is observed. Types of observations: naturalistic, systematic, controlled observation (refer to learning from psychology). 


This term is used in research approaches in which researchers remain detached from respondents by not letting their subjective views influence the data they collect and analyse (refer to learning from psychology – objectivity is the ideal of science). 


A research paradigm can be described as the beliefs and values which particular research communities share about the type of phenomena which can or cannot be researched and the methodologies to be adopted.

Pilot study:

This is a small-scale version of the intended research project. The researcher may employ a pilot study in order to check whether the research design works. This will allow the researcher to correct any errors before the real study begins. 


The units (people, events, objects or institutions) from which data are collected.

Primary and secondary sources:

Original publications are primary sources while publications which report, quote from or comment on original works are known as secondary sources. 

Qualitative data – This is descriptive data (in the form of description). It is argued that qualitative data gives greater depth to research – that it is more meaningful and that a much more detailed understanding of problems can be learnt by employing a qualitative study (an interview is a qualitative method). 

Quantitative data:

Here the emphasis is on numbers – this method usually employs the use of questionnaires. Some researchers argue that unless human behaviour is expressed in numbers it won’t accurately lead to reliable measurement. 


Results are reliable if they are consistent. If you use the same methods of observation and measurement and obtain the same results then both the methods and data they produce are seen as reliable. Reliability does not mean that the results are accurate. 


It should be possible to replicate research studies – under the same conditions and to obtain the same results. Replication is therefore the process of repeating the same study in the same or similar settings using the same method(s) with the same or equivalent sample(s). 


Snowball is a type of sampling, the first respondent refers someone they know to the study, who in turn refers someone they know until the researcher has an adequate sample. 


A survey is a research design which aims to obtain descriptive and correlational data from usually large populations, usually by questionnaires, interviews and to a lesser extent, by observations. 


This is the use of three or more different research methods. 

Validity – Validity refers to the degree or extent to which a questionnaire, interview or observation schedule and other methods of data collection studies or measures the phenomenon under investigation. 

Study Coach Academic Work

Study Coach UK support students at College and University, we support students about academic requirements, theoretical and conceptual ideas and we sometimes do so through the use of storytelling; the aim is to educate and  entertain. Study Coach also offer support to lifelong learners, particularly those who are interested in creating courses and entrepreneurs wishing to become speakers. 

Writing Essays & Dissertation 

Education is costly and unfortunately many young people today are choosing not to pursue a college/university qualification. The drop-out rate from college in Europe and the USA is high, and from our observations (via social media) many young people are pessimistic about their futures. If you are presently studying for a degree programme and feel disillusioned, we would like to encourage you to stay on your education pathway, we are here online to help you with writing essays and dissertation (thesis if you are in the USA). 

Study Coach Podcast

There is a Study Coach education Podcast for students and lifelong learners/people in business/entrepreneurs. All podcast episodes are Free to download. Here are two links:



Writing Essay Website

Study Coach is here to support students, we believe in students ability to succeed in writing their own assignment with our support. We also believe in getting to know students via telephone chats, enabling students to discuss their work and to seek clarification. Study Coach’s website is: www.studycoachuk.com email: info@studycoachuk.com Phone: Morel Benard on 07944 849271

You have been such a great inspiration to me. You made me have an interest in Psychology. You are a great teacher. May God’s grace and blessings continue to flow in life to make a great impact on the next generations.

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