Writing Poetry and Social Media

Poetry by Morel Benard, I write poetic ideas to express a point of view, I write on a diverse range of topics, and I don’t shy away from sensitive and political subjects. I would like readers to become familiar with my work and so I have elected to rely on Social Media to communicate my thoughts.

On the Move

Its a frightening tale but true

Many tonight have no room 

No place to call their own

No certainty of where they’ll go

Some will find a corridor or two

Others will keep on the move

So as we snuggle down to sleep

Give a thought, a little thought

To the homeless people on the move 



Dressed in red, wearing beads of white

Smiling sweetly but with deceitful eyes

Disguised to hide the truth, to spin a lie

This is an Anancy tale, you might not like

Our Anancy is far away, she’s out of sight

The imposter seen is to confuse your mind

Perceive, believe, what you expect to see

You expected Anancy, so she used trickery 

Our Anancy, the banshee can weave a complex tale

She is skilled at spinning yarns, despite her age 

Webs of deceit presented plain in public sight 

Politicians smiling, applauding, the camera don’t lie     

Anancy we presume watched the signing from afar  

As the stand-in did her acting, proud to play her part  

Reporters perceived, but were they told what to see 

Anancy, some people can see behind your trickery 


Books by Morel


Words are definitely not enough to thank you for your selfless and dedicated work towards my achievements. Almighty God richly bless you. Thanks.

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