Writing University Essays, Dissertation, Academic Assignments | Study Coach

A new academic year and much new learning and academic assignments to write (don’t panic) Study Coach is here online to help new and continuing students to achieve their learning goals.  If English is not your first language or you are the first in your family to study for a degree, or you are not getting the required support from University tutors, then do reach out to Study Coach. Morel Benard at Study Coach is a qualified lecturer, meaning that Morel has teaching experience at Higher Education (University) and Further Education (College), Morel works with a small team of qualified educators; students’ can therefore rest assured to know that assignments will be marked by competent staff. Students, please note that you are required to draft your own assignment, Study Coach is not an essay mill.  

Study Coach’s Services

Study Coach’s online services are supported with coaching via telephone and texts. When you have drafted the assignment or partially made a draft, simply submit the work to Study Coach via a Word document attachment. We will acknowledge your email and supporting documents and give an indication of when the work will be returned to you. You can send the work to us overnight and make a payment, you will find further information on our website in regard to how the system works and how to make a payment. If you want to have a chat (this is recommended) please phone between office hours. It is good to have a chat, so that we can understand the challenges you are facing, address learning needs, and it gives students the opportunity to check out Study Coach’s credibility.  University and College students are allowed to get academic support from educational services, the main issue is for students to ensure that their chosen educational service provider is delivering an ethical service. Here at Study Coach we do ask students not to request unethical services, this can lead to causing offence. 

Education Support

Non-traditional mature learners, making the transition from college studies (Access Courses) to university can find essay writing to be very challenging.  Study Coach is here to support mature learners, we appreciate that mature learners have to juggle both academic workload and family matters. In addition, students might be caring for an aged family member and also continuing with paid employment, these issues can become overwhelming for both new and continuing students. Essay writing is a major part of a university degree, achieving the degree is dependent on producing good essays, students therefore need to learn the skills for good essay writing. Study Coach’s essay support service using emails, texts, telephone tutoring is effective.  We are here to support all learners, all you need to do is to reach out to us.

Writing UCAS Statement 

For new Access students at Further Education, ensure to use time management well in order to draft your UCAS statement. Time can quickly fly by in the first months of an Access course, leaving students with insufficient time to brainstorm the content of their statement. We suggest that Access students should distinguish skills from personal qualities and mature Access students in particular should make the most of transferable skills gained through voluntary or paid employment. Completing the UCAS statement can be a very stressful time for both young and mature learners,  Study Coach is able to provide support with UCAS statements.   

Help with Essay Writing

Here at Study Coach UK we believe that all students have the potential to write excellent essays, all that is required is for students to have an understanding of the key steps to follow. Students need to understand that the purpose of the essay introduction is to set the scene, students need to tell readers the aims and objectives of the essay, theories, models, to be relied on, ethical consideration if required and to explain to readers (markers) how the essay will be presented. Study Coach will help students to make sense of the process, so students can make connections between what is said in the introduction and what will be discussed/analysed in the body of the essay and ultimately lead to recommendations and a conclusion. In helping students with essay writing Study Coach will provide detail feedback and we are available to discuss essay issues via our telephone calls, our aim is to empower students, so that students will develop independent thinking skills.  Critical thinking skills are crucial when writing essays, if you are a second or third year student and have received feedback from your University tutors that your essays are descriptive, then you need to take note and improve the discursive content of essays. We are here to guide students to develop discursive skills in order to raise essay grades, feel free to discuss your learning issues with us. 

Example: if writing an essay about a patient with a chronic disease, students will certainly need to define the disease and describe the process of the assessment, explaining what checks will need to be carried out. In respect of discursive content, students could consider what challenges a chronic assessment could pose for an inexperienced health worker on placement. In structuring the essay and in order to show off understanding of the issues students will therefore need to apply knowledge to a situation or a case study, by doing so students will begin to raise discursive skills, as opposed to simply reiterating what is found in textbooks or in research articles. 

Evidence Based Practice

Finding relevant evidence is key when writing an essay, students need to identify and understand relevant literature on the essay topic, and to identify key issues. For example, if writing about anorexia/bulimia and the nurses role, you will need to locate research evidence on the actual disease and find research on the nurses role.  To ignore to research the nurses’ role in caring for the anorexic/bulimic patient, is likely to lead to a failed essay. Focus on the assessment criteria, if University guidance states that you need to discuss patients’ experiences of the illness, and to consider client-centred care, then locate evidence to shed light on patients experiences, this is likely to be qualitative evidence.  Appraise care plans in order to help patients and consider working with a multi-disciplinary team, and how the team will ensure to deliver client-centred care. Writing the essay in order to achieve high grades will therefore require students to locate research evidence that is current and relevant to practice. 

How to Write a Good Essay/Dissertation   

Second year students will at some stage need to develop a research proposal and third year students will need to draft their dissertation. The research proposal will need to meet the approval of your tutor/supervisor.  The Dissertation title will need to be specific, if the title is far too general expect that it will fail. For example, an investigation into Safeguarding, would be far too general. In order to become specific, we would suggest that attention is given to the research target group and the research location. The research target group could be safeguarding boys with ADHD, attending a nursery school in South London.  This would exclude girls with ADHD attending the said school in South London. 

In order to write a good dissertation, students will need to establish whether it is a literature review dissertation proposal they need to create or whether they will be doing a primary piece of research. Writing the dissertation requires students to have knowledge and understanding of research methodology.  Understanding of research methods is crucial, we appreciate that methodology can be a challenging subject but it is a challenge that must be overcome and Study Coach UK is here to support students to understand research methodology.    

Study Coach Pastoral Support 

In assessing and marking assignments we aim to ensure that students maintain a healthy mindset and that students are able to manage their stress levels. Students are encouraged to discuss any issues they find to be overwhelming, through offering this style of pastoral support we aim to keep students motivated, help them to achieve academic success and to support students with their mental well-being.  

Study Coach Help with Essay/Assignments 

Study Coach online tutoring will support learners to become familiar with academic requirements, such as understanding the importance of meeting the University assessment criteria for an assignment.  Our aim is to help pave the way for learners to realise their potential and attain academic success. Morel Benard (MSc, MA, LLB (Honours), BSc (Honours), PGCE, IQA, D32/33) at Study Coach will provide students with answers to their questions, guiding learners on assignment learning outcomes, providing feedback on essays/dissertation and guiding learners to develop critical thinking skills. Please note that our service is supporting and tutoring students online to write their essay or dissertation; we won’t take instructions to write the essay for you, such a service would be unethical.  

Contact Study Coach

If you have a question about assignments or need Academic Support, then do get in touch with Study Coach.  Call Morel for a chat on 07944 849271 Email:

Thank you so much for all you help, time and support this past year – It’s difficult to put into words really. It’s a bit strange for me as I have never had someone outside of my family make such an impact on my life before, but you have. To be frank, you’ve taught me more than the text book stuff (LoL) seriously you’ve given me the vital tools I need to not only succeed in University, but things I will take on for the rest of time. Thank you for your Realness. Thanks for everything. I wish you all the best and more.

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